Wednesday, December 19, 2012

You said I'm WHAT!

I mean anyone would think that when you're taking contraceptives, you're included in that 99% chance of not conceiving, right?  WRONG.  There's still  that wonderfull 1% chance that I fell into.  How great is that right?  No it really is great after it's been swallowed that "yes I'm having two kids even when I didn't plan on it this soon", and  remembering that "my plans are not the Lord's plans". 

After a very long miserable Thanksgiving weekend of back and stomach pain, I thought for sure I had some type of illness.  Being so lucky to work at a OBGYN as well as a patient of the practice, there were preg test gallore.  After about 4 or 5 test, I FINALLY got the hint that I didn't have an illness but a growing little baby.  I mean, I coudn't believe it, who gets pregnant on the dang on pill?  Tears consumed me for the next 2 weeks, I have to admitt.  I didn't know what Roger and I were going to do.  I was immediately discouraged that all my plans as far as school, daycare, my next three year plan was all crumbling before my very eyes.  Roger and Shawn were very HAPPY, but I just couldn't seem to get with it.  I will only say that the devil really had me down.  He had me right where he wanted me, but not for too long.  My Pastor once said that the Lord will let him get to you sometimes, but not all the time.  The Lord was there to pick me up, shake me around and let me know that He is still in control.  So I stand today to say bring it on baby!  If the Lord brought me to it, I know he will show Roger and I through it.  My co-worker who is a sonographer scanned me a few times, or maybe millions of times.  My due date went from July 4 to July 7 when I had my initial appointment with my doc.  Gabrielle will be turing 3 years old 2 months after and ready to take over!

So here's to another great 9 months of blogging and keeping you updated on the best of the best.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!! Congrats mommy! You know Cailyn came to Dawud and I right in the middle of me being laid off and him going to school full time. I'm not going to say it was easy, and plenty of tears were there, but God didn't let a want for cailyn to go un noticed or unprepared. See he prepares the way for us and uses us to show his glory. What a testimony for all to hear. God is so amazing and we can't wait to shower blessing into your little one! Bring on the shower!!!!! I think i have to remind you that you have family here too! lol Just say no to NY! And a total Yes to NC . hahaha lol! love ya chica!
