Thursday, March 21, 2013

24 Weeks and Counting

Where do I start!  How about 24 weeks, time is going by so fast.  Flats have officially started for me, no more heels as you can see.  I'm standing in the doorway of Gabrielle's room and the guest room, hopefully which will be a boys room due to the colors.  We have 2 more weeks to find out and I cant CONTAIN myself.  I'm so eager to find out, it' redic. Roger had to work this week with the cake baker in same day surgery and surprisingly, Jamar has kep his cool.  No funny jokes or comments in relation to him opening the envelope and knowing what gender our baby is.  Like only TWO people and of course God knows what the gender is, the sonographer and Jamar, the cake baker.  How funny right? NO, not funny at all. 
RSVP's are rolling in and I'm truely excited to know that every one wants to share this moment with my family and I. I'm looking forward to entertaining and having some fun. As fas as this weeks events  this week has been nothing but pure uncomfertable for me.  I thought drawstring pants which are my scrubs at work would be fine throughout this pregnancy, but boy was I wrong.  It's completely cutting of the circulation of my stomach.  I have to wear maternity slacks to work from now on.  I'm officially wobbling , forget about these grasshopper legs moving as fast as they used too.  OH, cant forget to mention that I offically weigh 147.  Roger and I were comparing my stomach from the belly I had with Gabrielle on my other blog and at 8 months I was 151.  WHY in the world at 6 months am I 147 already.  I also was much more rounder EVERY where.  This baby bump just looks like I swallowed a basketball. 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Uncomfertable Already

At 22 weeks, my back is killing me, my pelvis area feels like it's going to rip and I still have 18 weeks to go, that's 4 months, that's a little over 100 days left.............Yes I'm counting.  This pregnancy is way different than Gabrielle's.  For one, I think this baby is hyperactive, Gabrielle was VERY chill in the womb.  The kicks, swirls, ups and downs are insane, but necessary I guess.  Neurtotransmitters are really firing in his brain which allows him to want to explore.  I had a doc appointment yesterday and my uterus is measuring above my belly button, which is normal and I've gained, drumroll please.........................20 pounds.  It's mainly in my face, breast bone area and my thighs.  I had to buy granny panties, TMI, but my pride is out the window and I'm pretty sure anyone whose been pregnant can atest to that.  I've also went up in bra size, which is AWESOME, LOL (Hey ROG).  Roger and I went to the movies and diner for our anniversary and it was SOOOO good to be alone, get out and enjoy eachothers company.  Seven years dating and 4 years married as of March 6th.  And might I add, two kids later was the subject all night.  All night I was also uncomfortable, especially after eating.  My stomach is like WHOA, then the braxton hicks just make matters worse for me.  I'm not sure if it's the pants or what, but they are maternity pants for goodness sake.  Sleeping sucks, it's either left side or right side and a matter of years before I can actually roll over. 

Totally of subject but very relevant, I had to break down and buy somethings yesterday.  Just onsies, nothing serious.  It was a 5 pack of pink on sale for $5, then 5 pack of blue and grey for $5 also on clearance at TJ Max.  Of course I kept the receipt for my ROI (Return on Investment). 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Back to the drawing board 1.

So, we're back to the drawing board with a few things knocked off and a few added on. 

  1. Complete Gabrielle's closet w/curtains for closet nook
  2. Start on painting master bedroom and ordering TV stand and chairs
  3. Keep and create a new snack closet for Gabrielle.  Bottles an formula will soon take over hers.  And for our sake it cannot be eye level with the girl or it's on like donkey kong.
  4. Reorganize guestroom closet for new baby AND Gabrielle's belongings
  5. Get masterbedroom closet under control (goodness gracious) I meant myside of the closet
  6. Post baby shower, either gather and give away Gabrielle's old clothing or wash and store Gabrielle's clothing for her sister
  7. Post baby shower maybe mid June put up crib, changing table and wash rocking chair cushsions
  8. Coat and sneaker closet under control.  Gabrielle is in the running with 7 pairs of  Jordans, 3winter boots, church shoes, slippers, EVEN water shoes.  And half she hasn't even wore yet, thanks Uncle Tucky.
  9. For goodness sake clean and clear out my kitchen cabinet draws.
  10. Order new carseat/base because I can't find the base for the car and I'm not in love with the old car seat anymore.  Besides if it's a boy, we can't use it anyhow.
  11. Wash rocking chair cushions

22 Weeks Half Way There!

I can't keep up; It's like time is moving by so quickly and it's waiting for no one.  While pregnant with Gabrielle,things dragged out as much as possible and I seemed to be pregnant forever.  I guess being busy with Gabrielle, school, work, family, church, friends, and the house, it's going by really fast.  There's no complaints though, I'm just surprised.  Movements have been fantastic this past week.  Those kicks and punchs are starting to get stronger and much more pronounced.  I'm loving EVERY moment of it. One complaint that I do have is the pressure.  It's so uncomfertable.  My belly is getting in the way of Gabrielle laying on me and if she's not careful with her knees, she will knee me accidentally. It's happened a few times, but it's okay.