Thursday, March 21, 2013

24 Weeks and Counting

Where do I start!  How about 24 weeks, time is going by so fast.  Flats have officially started for me, no more heels as you can see.  I'm standing in the doorway of Gabrielle's room and the guest room, hopefully which will be a boys room due to the colors.  We have 2 more weeks to find out and I cant CONTAIN myself.  I'm so eager to find out, it' redic. Roger had to work this week with the cake baker in same day surgery and surprisingly, Jamar has kep his cool.  No funny jokes or comments in relation to him opening the envelope and knowing what gender our baby is.  Like only TWO people and of course God knows what the gender is, the sonographer and Jamar, the cake baker.  How funny right? NO, not funny at all. 
RSVP's are rolling in and I'm truely excited to know that every one wants to share this moment with my family and I. I'm looking forward to entertaining and having some fun. As fas as this weeks events  this week has been nothing but pure uncomfertable for me.  I thought drawstring pants which are my scrubs at work would be fine throughout this pregnancy, but boy was I wrong.  It's completely cutting of the circulation of my stomach.  I have to wear maternity slacks to work from now on.  I'm officially wobbling , forget about these grasshopper legs moving as fast as they used too.  OH, cant forget to mention that I offically weigh 147.  Roger and I were comparing my stomach from the belly I had with Gabrielle on my other blog and at 8 months I was 151.  WHY in the world at 6 months am I 147 already.  I also was much more rounder EVERY where.  This baby bump just looks like I swallowed a basketball. 

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