Thursday, September 5, 2013

How Good God Has Been

    IMatthew 6:25 
    That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life-whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn't life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 
Words cannot express how good God has been to my family and I. I just finished giving Braxton his first bottle of formula. Why you ask; well it's for a number of reasons.....most importantly he needs to sleep a little longer and allow  me and his daddy more time to sleep. I honesty don't think my milk holds him long enough throughout the night. With me going back to work in a few weeks, its also imperative. 

It took no mind debating from myself, I merely thought about it and just decided that "hey, tonight he needs formula". An that's when it hit me, when I reached inside my cabinet to grab a can out of 75 cans that I had a choice. Let me began by saying that I had no CLUE how I was gonna afford daycare, milk, diapers, anything for that matter considering Braxton was a complete blessing in disguise or should I say blessing in "surprise"! I had no idea how Roger and I were gonna afford milk since "at that time"' breastfeeding was NOT an option. 

Not only did The Lord change my mind about breastfeeding but he gave me a persevering spirit and all the supplies I needed. It's so easy to say yes that The Lord will supply you with what you need and you think that means you can afford to spend money in cans of milk every week. But I l know that the supply he means is what he blessed us women to have, breastmilk! 

When I think about it and back to my early pregnancy stage, I was really scared. My mind ran one hundred miles a minute debating to breastfeed, formula feed, how to afford it, credit card or start saving, no clue! So I just went along with the flow, continued to enjoy my pregnancy and boom....... It hit me, Jocelyn, you're gonna breastfeed and its gonna work. I got educated, found out my $450 dollar pump was covered 100 percent through my insurance or I should say covered under the blood of Jesus. 

I've pumped so far 3 months of milk, still breastfeeding 9 weeks in and the kicker of tnall is if and I do mean if something goes left while I return to work on also have another blessing from The Lord. For example, I kind of get overwhelmed when it to much going on and I get easily frustrated. I'm no stranger at letting things go so Incan focus on more important task at hand, like sanity. With that being said, once I return back to work full time, that also means that I would pump at work 3 times a day, rush to get home JUST in case the last evening pump should nt occur. Right afte work, school 2 times a week from 6 to 9 and my boobs will be hard as a rock by then.

The whole taking the Manuel pump is one of those "team to much" situations and it would really fustrate me to have to leave class to do this in what, a bathroom. Anyhow, if things start to get hected, and if the whole mirror of "use it or loose it" really happens with my milk and it dries, I have 75 cans of good start formula all expires next year late 2014 sitting waiting for whenever. 

Suppliers are always dropping of samples for expectant mothers at he job, and my office was thoughtful enough to let me share in the goods if I needed it! 

What a blessing! So far so good Braxton's body has been able to accept the milk. And I'm gonna pray that he continues because this milk is not sitting in my house in vein. So looking ahead, Braxton's first year of eating is taking are of without any financial strain on me. Besides storage bags, breast shields, etc. The Lord made it to where I wouldn't have to worry about a THING. 

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