Monday, August 19, 2013

1st Night Home From School!

I prepared myself for this night as best a I could. 
Ordered books last week, although they have yet to ship,
Made this weeks meal plan, shopped for all ingredients, no mid week trips
Gabrielle's hair in braids for the week
Laundry done all shapes, sizes, colors, sheets and towels
Bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchen all cleaned thoroughly for the week
And things still went crazy at the very last minute. 

Monday began with a trip to the office for my six week appointment. All went very well, especially considering I only traveled with one kid and I didn't feel over whelmed. I was able to enjoy the familiar faces at work, get a few laughs and hugs, physical exam, boom bang pow! 

I left the office at a decent time and headed to get my neice her compensation for babysitting ( Carmel frappe). I was so happy to find Gabrielle right in her element amongst her cousins playing cars and behaving for goodness sake. She had spent the night with my sister, so she sorta missed me. About time we left it was lunch time and we enjoyed Wendy's an went home. 

So all is going well, made Agee phone to the school in hopes of getting my books before class. Come to find out my best option was to go to the main campus and physically pick them up as opposed to having them mailed. Now mind you, the main campus is VERY far. I on the other hand have online classes and one class that's at a remote location without the books that I need. So what did this mean, I had to pack up the kids and haul over to the campus before my 6:30 class. Roger needed to be picked up at 4:30 and it was already going on 2:30. I decided to get ahead if the game an make diner and clean up those dishes before leaving. 

Okay no biggie! Chopped up tons of peppers, scallions, tomatoes for my spaghetti, Braxton strapped to me and Gabrielle crying for an ice pop. I managed to get spaghetti ready, the kids ready for the long haul and out the door I went.

Ten minutes into my driving, my thermostat reads H for hot. My car starts to smoke and I got off the nearest exit. Really car, was this really happening to me right now. Our battery just needed to be replaced last week and this couldn't be happening right now. Why now is al I thought as well as the devil and his plans to step in when things are going well. 

I pulled over and the car smelled and smoked so bad, getting my books another 30 minutes away was out of the question. Homework, class that night, auto shop just kept replying over and over as I turned around to head home. Not even 10 minutes later getting off the nearest exit home, my car stops and smokes out...................

I immediately panicked and began calling everyone for help. Luckily the kids we asleep, but here I was in the middle of the road, stuck with a 7 week old  and my 2 year old in the rain and no one answering there phone. I for one have NO idea about cars, sadly my husband doesn't either whom was at work. Ugggg, I get emotional just thinking about how many cars passed me by with a smoking car, unloading two kids on the side of the road. I learned about this in school. its called the bystander effect. One person assumes that one person has been notified so they keep going. After what felt like the millionth car, a young boy with a pick up truck finally pulled over and asked if I need help. With tears in my eyes, Braxton trying to remain calm and Gabrielle looking at me with one million questions in her eyes, in gladly accepted the offer. We had to get the car on the side walk with the car in neutral and my kids in his car. Totally just crushed me having to entrust this man with myself and my kids. What else was I supposed to do. My instancts old me that he was okay, so I just went with it and we managed to get another group of young boys to help push the car. 

For the record, never judge a book by its cover. There were at least 5 cars with women who looked right in my eyes and the situation and kept on going! 

Anyhow, we got home and I still hadn't gotten in touch with anyone. Crying was an understatement, this has never gapped to me before, nor my car. My emotions were all over the place and I couldn't help but think about my kids being trapped out there, school, Roger getting home from work, next week, next month, everything. I finally called my rental insurance and they advised me on what what to do and that the tow service was free. Fast forward a few hours later the car was picked up, brought to Prescion Tune and left there until morning. Off to school I went with the jello of my sister, my friend Marlyne who picked up Roger and my brother in law who waited at the car for the tow!  

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