Sunday, August 25, 2013

Is it Possible at 7 Weeks

Is it possible for my little boy to be spoiled at 7 weeks yeah! 

Is it possible that I might have spoiled this little being........... Sigh...... Yeah

He's just so darn cute, I can't help it. I know I'm setting myself up for failure in the long run...... Forget long run, it's now that its officially getting to me. When I want to use the restroom, make a wafle in our new Belgium waffle maker and not Eggo waffles, study or simply eat my food with two hands is when it hits me that I've spoiled my son to the point where he can't sit down for 2 seconds. 

Well what is a momma to do besides love on him some more! He's still eating every two hours which is making me think that he's not getting enough. According to the general rule of thumb with regards to breadtfeeding, the pampers tell the story. He has tons of wet ones so I guess he getting enough. 

What's fun and exciting is that literally overnight and right on schedule with baby development has been the beginning of cooing and smiles from high pitches voice and our faces. This is the moment everyone has been waiting for, and it only gets better as the weeks go on. 

He's also found his hands and he devours them. 

That's my Braxy Boy as Gabi likes to call him! By the way she totally loves him. 

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