Monday, April 22, 2013

Maternity Leave Part 2

After this weekend, I've come to the conclusion that I'm actually spending more time planning my post partum than I did planning this pregnancy.  I know people are wondering, "well what in the world could be that serious about post partum and staying home during maternity leave".  And to answer that, it extends well beyond post partum/maternity leave.  For one, in regards to post partum, I actually work in an OBGYN office.  For some mothers, they're not so blessed to be as resilient as others from an emotional, financial and especially a physical standpoint.  I just want to bind the enemy right now with all of those issues that can possibly come about after Braxton is born.  My daughter will actually be home with me for 8 weeks and when she returns to daycare, she will be in the 3 year old class room. 

I, for one have to become more subconscious about my finances after Mr. B  is born and Roger just has to hang in there and do what it do as the man of the house.  In some form or fashion things are gonna be very different.  The important part for me is for us to able to handle this difference with ease.  I mentioned in PT 1 that there are some things that I'd like to see happen and take from this experience of being home for an entire summer with my kids..........pause, did I say kids........... okay yes, I said kids.  I really want Gabi to just enjoy the summer off, but watching TV all day will not be acceptable with her returning to a 3 year old class. I've decided that after Roger leaves to go back to work, my act needs to be together and our routine needs to start.  Routines are very important.  I believe that routines keeps everyone grounded and which route to take when, lets say I'm at school.  Roger knows just what to do on those days.  Gabrielle knows at what time she takes naps, eats lunch, goes outside to play, bath time, etc.  Everyone knows their role and it runs smoothly.  So far, I've accumlated enough educational things to keep Gabrielle occupied for a month, still adding to the basket though as her attention span is not very long.  What's crazy is that she can sit and watch a 2 hour live animation movie (Toy Story, Happy Feet, Ice Age). 

I soooooooo cannot wait to keep everyone abreast about how things are actually going.  It's one thing to put your mind to something, but another when it's time for the show down. 

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