Friday, February 8, 2013

Baby Shower on the Way!

This is the moment I have to look forward to in order to find out what's moving around in there.  When I say moving around, I really mean moving around.  It's going to be pretty gnarly when the bones are real hard and you can see it move across my belly, especially if he/she doesn't slow down on their movements.  Everythings been pretty good this week besides Gabrielle wearing me OUT.  We took her to the circus and she was mesmerized for about an hour and some change, after that she was in her own world.  She loved the elephants and the horses. She was weirded out by the cotton candy texture and the clowns she looked at them as if something smelled in the air; how embarrassing.  I will post pics soon.  As for now, we're ordering invites.  We're giving the envelope away this weekend to our friends who will be baking the cake.  We're all so excited.  I for one need to get this thing out of my house or I'm going to break.  She's got some ideas for the cake and so do I.  I told them as long as the inside is blue, I really didn't care what it looked like. 
Here's a team blue team pink that I adore.  I've also found some cute ideas for my dessert buffet which will be adorned in both pink snacks and blue ones with the cake being the main center of attention.  I've gathered some boxes that I will gift wrap w/ pink and blue wrapping paper for my dimensions and lots of vases.

I've done the dipped chocolate marshmallows for Gabrielle and they were a big hit.  I just need to use wax paper for the drying next time. Our date is SET for real this time April 6th.  Who was I kidding trying to wait until May. 

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