Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

It's aaaaaaaaaaaaa SHAME that I get my scan today and still wont know until April 6 at the baby shower, lol.  Thought I was gonna tell you huh, that was funny.  No seriously this is torture, who came up with this brilliant I guess. Well my appointment is at 12:45 and Roger is going to walk over from the hospital.  He's also leaving with the MERCH (the sealed envelope).  Is he trying to say he doesn't trust me? 

It's going to be a packed fun day of excitement.  I have a surprise for Gabrielle and Roger. After work, Roger thought we were just celebrating our midweek ritual of fast food at the pizza parlor up the block from the job after work.  I've been telling him this for over a month now and it was really because we need to stick around after work to head over to the PNC arena for the Ringling Brothers Circus.  He had no idea until this morning.  I remembered a previous place I took him for a surprise to the Mike Epps show and he was excited but PISSED at his normal attire.  I've learned my lesson and showed him the tickets this morning and he beamed.  He was thrilled as the last time he's been to a circus was around 5 years old in Trinidad. He was even more excited to know that he needed to wear something other than a shirt and jeans. 

I truly excited to see Gabrielle's reaction to all the animals, stunts and lights, cotton candy you name it.  I have a set budget of skies the limit! Long are the good ole days when my dad, or sister or mom took me to the circus, Big Top Apple I remember because it was in Time Square.  They brought me everything my hands could carry.  I guess it's a good thing Gabrielle's hands are SMALL, ha. The whole clan are is going, seats 1-9 here we come. 

Scan is later this afternoon, stay tuned.

I'mmmmmmmmm baaaaaaackkkkkk.  Well, scan is complete and our baby is a kicking, all four chambers of the heart, diaphram in tact, spinal cord just great, kidneys, you name it, it's got it.  Thank God.  What I dont know is if it's a boy or girl.  The baby moved around alot but kept its face down.  Roger enjoyed everything and so did I, here's a little pick of the baby and big sis.

Hey, whose that over there?

It's just me sis!

1 comment:

  1. you are a hot mess! LOL
    only you think of these funny things to say
