Monday, April 29, 2013

30 Weeks and Traveling

Who told me to travel at 30 weeks.  I mean, did I really think that I would be comfortable?  Did I think that I wouldn't have to use the restroom and feel pressure on my bladder the whole entire way to GA?  Well, needless to say, uncomfortable or not my family and I traveled 6 hours to go and see our brother down in GA.  Besides the car ride, it was a cool trip and the last of my travels for a WHILE!  Gabrielle totally enjoyed herself and her cousins.  I thoroughly enjoyed the free breakfast at the hotel and the coffee was DELICIOUS, not to mention the Belgian waffles that we made ourselves. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mr. B at 29 Weeks

Boy, I cannot wait to meet this little fellow. Roger has officially named him Mr.B and so shall it be.  We put up his crib and the changing table is in Gabrielle's room.  At 29 weeks, he weighs 2 lbs and a few ounces.  It took the longest just to get this picture because of his position (head down).  I had to completely roll over on my side.  His head was facing towards my back with his hands AND legs ABOVE his face, butt in the air.  He moved around soooo much without me even feeling him during the ultrasound.  He waved, opened his mouth, turned from side to side and hid all the while except for this shot.  I'm officially down to every 2 week appointments.  Like I'm going to be 30 weeks on Sunday, what it the WORLD.  There's still a few things I need to do.  The stroller and car seat need to be taken out of the box, I still need tons of newborn pampers, a few bouncer chairs would be great and he's up the wazu in clothes.  I say a couple of bouncer chairs because one on each floor would be great as oppose to hauling one on every floor, maybe 2 would do. 

His room is coming along good.  Took me a while to find a comforter, but we found one at Target and slapped some Mr. B letters on top of his crib.  I'm missing something but I just cant point my finger on it. Of course I need to clear the bed, hang up clothes and fold some to get an idea of what I'm looking for.  A shaggy area brown rug will do, as well as some curtains, but there's still something missing.  Of course it would've been perfect without the queen sized bed in there, but mama and papa need a place to sleep since he isn't invited in our bedroom on the third floor.  I've come to the conclusion that if Braxton moves around after he's born as much as he does on the inside, Roger and I are in for it.  Band aids, stitches, cuts, bruises you name it, I'm pretty sure Braxton will be running UP and DOWN or should I say jumping up and down on every floor.  Roger was watching my stomach last night and couldn't belive how gnarley it looked with the movements.  I had to tell him that's just now, imagine ALL day long this kid is moving around.  BUT guess what, a baby this active in the womb is very healthy so hey. 

This boy thing is really gonna trip me out though.  My nephews were throwing rocks at eachother and one rock knocked one twins teeth right out.  I mean it's just insane how boys are so different than girls.  Gabrielle hates the sight of cheese on her hands from eating doritos or cheese doodles.  She goes nuts for someone to get it off.  That's my baby though and she's getting so big.  I miss just being able to pick my little girl up and squeeze her tiny little body.  Even rocking her in the rocking chair doesn't quit work out for us.  Or naps at church on Sunday are like "yeah mommy we're both uncomfertable, so uh, why dont you just give me over to daddy".  She's very inquisitive about Braxtons things now.  I had a pack of socks, meaning like 6 pairs each and she asked me was "It her Braxtons" for every pair of socks. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Maternity Leave Part 2

After this weekend, I've come to the conclusion that I'm actually spending more time planning my post partum than I did planning this pregnancy.  I know people are wondering, "well what in the world could be that serious about post partum and staying home during maternity leave".  And to answer that, it extends well beyond post partum/maternity leave.  For one, in regards to post partum, I actually work in an OBGYN office.  For some mothers, they're not so blessed to be as resilient as others from an emotional, financial and especially a physical standpoint.  I just want to bind the enemy right now with all of those issues that can possibly come about after Braxton is born.  My daughter will actually be home with me for 8 weeks and when she returns to daycare, she will be in the 3 year old class room. 

I, for one have to become more subconscious about my finances after Mr. B  is born and Roger just has to hang in there and do what it do as the man of the house.  In some form or fashion things are gonna be very different.  The important part for me is for us to able to handle this difference with ease.  I mentioned in PT 1 that there are some things that I'd like to see happen and take from this experience of being home for an entire summer with my kids..........pause, did I say kids........... okay yes, I said kids.  I really want Gabi to just enjoy the summer off, but watching TV all day will not be acceptable with her returning to a 3 year old class. I've decided that after Roger leaves to go back to work, my act needs to be together and our routine needs to start.  Routines are very important.  I believe that routines keeps everyone grounded and which route to take when, lets say I'm at school.  Roger knows just what to do on those days.  Gabrielle knows at what time she takes naps, eats lunch, goes outside to play, bath time, etc.  Everyone knows their role and it runs smoothly.  So far, I've accumlated enough educational things to keep Gabrielle occupied for a month, still adding to the basket though as her attention span is not very long.  What's crazy is that she can sit and watch a 2 hour live animation movie (Toy Story, Happy Feet, Ice Age). 

I soooooooo cannot wait to keep everyone abreast about how things are actually going.  It's one thing to put your mind to something, but another when it's time for the show down. 

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Getting Geared Up For Maternity Leave PT 1

I've finally come to a place "mentally that is" as school is dwindling down for this semester, baby shower is over and done with and we have enough stuff on deck for Braxton, that I can actually think about my plans for this summer with not only myself, but with Gabrielle, my home, Braxton and Roger.  With only 11 weeks to go, FMLA papers signed and ready to be submitted, I'm really going to be at home for the entire summer.  Questions have been running through my head, some concerns are really mind boggling but either way I finally have a chance to sit down and envision what I'd like to see happen and what I plan to take from this new experience that my family and I are getting ready to embark on. 

Just sitting here thinking about this whole thing is really humbling me because I've been rewarded with such a rewarding responsibility that I want to handle it appropriately, delicately and with ease.  I know for sure that I will only be able to handle it with the help of God, so every moment I get whether washing dishes, chilling with Gabrielle with her eyes fixed on TV or even at work, I'm praying and meditating on being able to do this.  Knowing that my strength comes from the Lord, It should be pretty cool for me.  When I say me, I really mean Roger and I because I couldn't do this without him as I know for sure that it is team work.

Speaking of which, he will home for the first 3 weeks with us, which will be amazing.  We both were pretty sad when he went back to work during my leave with Gabrielle.  I cried like it was nobodies business and couldn't wait for my baby to get home every day.  Around that time, I also started working at Rex when Gabi was 8 weeks so we're gonna add 4 more weeks to that and have a blast this summer.  Now, to this list of things that I would like to see happen of course when Roger goes back to work is for a routine to at least look like it will develop.

Monday, April 15, 2013

28 Weeks and Really Feeling It!

Up until this week, I was able to reply to people that I felt great.  That's so not the case anymore.  I'm offically uncomfertable, huge, tired and these jabs are getting much stronger.  Making it up to the 2nd or 3rd floor of my home not only leaves me winded but it gives me BRAXTON hicks each and everytime.  Roger and I had a nice quit weekend but I was exhausted after 2 hours of just being out.  Gabrielle stayed with my sister from Friday right after daycare until Saturday night and it's funny because we were extremely bored.  We were like, geesh what do you do without kids around, this is wack.  So needless to say, we picked her up earlier than we were supposed to.  Back to this third trimester thing coming in like a world wind, we also had to leave the shopping area after just 2 hours, I was starting to feel sick and lightheaded.  Even at church yesterday, I was feeling pretty yucky.  I can feel myself becoming extemely aggitated very quickly.  It's like my mood has completly changed, but we'll see how the rest of the 12 weeks go.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Braxtons Room/Guest Room

Braxtons Room & Guest Room
 So, here is another project of ours that we're beginning to work on this weekend.  I have absolutely no idea how we're going to stuff a crib inside here with a queen sized bed that has two night stands on both ends.  The night stands will be his for onsies, socks, etc.  Each stand has two bottom draws.  Then we will also hang this up in the closet as well, on either side of Gabrielle's mess.  The changing table is in Gabrielle's room and should be down within a few months.  It actually comes to a point where you begin to change a kid where ever they are.  Who know's about a few months, it may be longer since we're dealing with some equipment that we've never dealt with before, lol.

Far from a kiddie room huh!

I've been searching as I normally do for something different that I can do to kiderize this room.  I want it to serve as a guest room, but also as Braxtons room as well.  The plan is when he's ready to move out of the crib this will be his queen sized bed.  We also plan to stay on the second floor with the two of them until we're comfortable  enough to move back upstairs in our room.  Besides us, whenever we have company we'll need a place for them to stay so I also dont want a bunch of hanging monkeys and elephants all over th place, it's not my style anyway.  I did though come across something that I thought was great.  A hanging mobile from the ceiling, but with tissue paper pom poms.  I though it would be to girly, but a mobil is a mobile and the colors will be green brown and white pom poms.  Check out this baby boy's room.  . 

I love the idea of the hanging stars.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Starting from Scratch

Well with the weekend, the shower and the gender finally revealed and over, it's time to get things started.  With just under 13 weeks to go,  we have so much to do in so little time.  It felt like eternity to get out and shop and when I finally got the chance last night, I was like" wait a minute, I'm starting from scratch".  Onsies, bibs, burp clothes, toys, pacifiers, bottles, clothes, socks you name it, we need it.  We have 6 bags of clothes that we still kept from Gabrielle and we can use NONE of it.  I guess all I can say about that one is "I got my boy".  My shower was great, we will be able to get a number of things with our monetary gifts.  This weekend, Gabrielle will be with her aunt and Roger and I will shop for Mr. Braxton and have some time to ourselves which is much needed. 

We're also trying to figure out where this queen sized be of ours in the guest room will go when we put up the crib.  We're not tossing it because Braxton will use this bed once he's out of the crib.  Changing table needs to be put together in Gabrielle's room, crib, arange the closet since they will share the one in the guest room, put together stroller, etc.  Lots of things to do.  School is over for me this month also, what a relief.  With the weather changing Gabrielle refuses to enter the hosue once we're home from work.  She wants to walk the neighborhood or go to the park.  I'm going to let her run the show and spend as much time with just us three as I can. She knows a little one is coming and that the baby is in mommy's stomach, but I really believe it will be more of an adjustment when the baby actually gets here................

Friday, April 5, 2013

Twas the Night before the Big Reveal

Well here it is, the day before the shower.  I'm so over this thing it's not even funny.  It's like way over due now especially with the amount of planning and executing that's been put into motion over the last several weeks.  What I find so mind boggling is that I've been buying this weeks before, like no joke.  And it seems as if all this week, I'm STILL buying things.  I'm looking forward to entertaining my guest though, which is exciting.  I've been to a slew of baby showers, baby parties, baby mama parties, anniversaries but it's never been a function for myself so I'm pretty excited and overwhelmed at the same time.  My sisters hous is going to be FULL to capacity and I know she's going to kill me for that.  Anywho, baby is growing and moving up a storm.  Time is going by so fast I don't know what to do.  This is my last week in the second trimester.....what!  What do you mean?  I just found out, then I'm just finding out the sex tomorrow then i'm told on my 26 week appt this week that I have 13 more weeks to go.  Does this make sense to anyone? 
With Gabrielle, full time work and school I honestly cant keep up. Time is moving so quickly, I cant keep up with myself.

I figured after this week, I may be able to slow down.  I have three more weeks of school left, haven't been invited to any parties or showers for the month of April of May and I will know what the sex is tomorrow.  But then I thought to myself are you kidding me, I'm going to shop every minute I have free now because I know it's a boy or girl...........and summer wear is out, OMG.  It's been ruff though really.  Roger and I cross eachothers paths briefly when we get home and then we're both pooped when we get in bed.  Monday, Wednesday is him gym night, Tue and Thur I'm at school, Friday I'm at someones house and Saturday on the streets with my sister, Sunday in church.  I have a headace just thinking about it.  I long for the day to come home and sit on the coach and do nothing all day long. 

Anywho, I passed my glucose test.  My nerves were shot because I get the results first at the office.  Like literally results come to my printer and being a patient at my very own office I see them first.  So waiting for mines to print, although I had access to them ASAP, I had to comply because I felt like they're watching, I decided to wait and they came the next freaking day.  So I came in the next morning and flew to my office and surfed through the mounds of paper and boom, good to go.  No three hour glucose for the lady.  My weight is still rising, I personally think it's just in my belly because I'm still skinny as a rail.  But all is well, doc said things look good and me and baby are healthy all the way around. 

So, yes tonight is the night before the reveal.  Will I be able to sleep?  My neices and me are going to decorate tonight and not wait til the day off. Pictures to follow ASAP