Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fun Pics 19 Weeks

I forgot to mention that I'm officially in my maternity pants from last pregnancy.  These pants are hilarious, but very comfortable.  What's uncomfortable are these growing pains.  I feel them in my back and my pelvic area.  Everything really adds up with what my doctors are saying as far as my uterus being aligned with my belly button.  Sleeping is awful and it will only get worse, or should I say rolling over is awful.  Everything seems to be okay otherwise and quite enjoyable.  The baby is moving like crazy it's amazing.  This one actually is moving more often than Gabrielle did.  I can't wait until Gabi and Rog can feel and see limbs move across my stomach.  I do however have a public service announcement...................Gabi is finally starting to grasp this whole baby in my stomach thing.  When she comes to hug me or stand between my legs, she obviously is bumped to the side.  Now when she approaches me, it's with suspicion and ease and she says "baby in there mommy", then it's all over she's gone back to playing.  That's a major difference from asking her "Gabrielle, where's baby" and she responds and points to herself "me mommy, I'm baby". 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Pregnant in Heels 19 Weeks

Do you think it's time to stop wearing heels at 19 weeks pregnant?  I mean it's not like I can topel over or anything, or at least not at this point.  I'm surprising myself to be honest, because heels suck in general and it's no better wearing them being pregnant.  Well, I say this because a few people asked me was I okay in heels and when I was going to stop wearing them?  The answer is most likely pretty soon.  It was the summer time last pregnancy and I was just looking for comfort with open toe flats to church.  Flats were a great excus for being pregnant and it worked.  I think I'm a vet at this thing now, so I'm having some fun with it. I love being pregnant either way and cant stand when my patients are complaining about how fat and ugly they feel.  I'm like really, that's weird because I'm sooooo excited about my 15 pounds of weight gain, I feel awesome.

Pregnant in Heels! Oh I'm pretty tall because Gabrielle insisted that she take the photo.  You did a great job baby girl.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Baby Shower on the Way!

This is the moment I have to look forward to in order to find out what's moving around in there.  When I say moving around, I really mean moving around.  It's going to be pretty gnarly when the bones are real hard and you can see it move across my belly, especially if he/she doesn't slow down on their movements.  Everythings been pretty good this week besides Gabrielle wearing me OUT.  We took her to the circus and she was mesmerized for about an hour and some change, after that she was in her own world.  She loved the elephants and the horses. She was weirded out by the cotton candy texture and the clowns she looked at them as if something smelled in the air; how embarrassing.  I will post pics soon.  As for now, we're ordering invites.  We're giving the envelope away this weekend to our friends who will be baking the cake.  We're all so excited.  I for one need to get this thing out of my house or I'm going to break.  She's got some ideas for the cake and so do I.  I told them as long as the inside is blue, I really didn't care what it looked like. 
Here's a team blue team pink that I adore.  I've also found some cute ideas for my dessert buffet which will be adorned in both pink snacks and blue ones with the cake being the main center of attention.  I've gathered some boxes that I will gift wrap w/ pink and blue wrapping paper for my dimensions and lots of vases.

I've done the dipped chocolate marshmallows for Gabrielle and they were a big hit.  I just need to use wax paper for the drying next time. Our date is SET for real this time April 6th.  Who was I kidding trying to wait until May. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

It's aaaaaaaaaaaaa SHAME that I get my scan today and still wont know until April 6 at the baby shower, lol.  Thought I was gonna tell you huh, that was funny.  No seriously this is torture, who came up with this brilliant idea...........me I guess. Well my appointment is at 12:45 and Roger is going to walk over from the hospital.  He's also leaving with the MERCH (the sealed envelope).  Is he trying to say he doesn't trust me? 

It's going to be a packed fun day of excitement.  I have a surprise for Gabrielle and Roger. After work, Roger thought we were just celebrating our midweek ritual of fast food at the pizza parlor up the block from the job after work.  I've been telling him this for over a month now and it was really because we need to stick around after work to head over to the PNC arena for the Ringling Brothers Circus.  He had no idea until this morning.  I remembered a previous place I took him for a surprise to the Mike Epps show and he was excited but PISSED at his normal attire.  I've learned my lesson and showed him the tickets this morning and he beamed.  He was thrilled as the last time he's been to a circus was around 5 years old in Trinidad. He was even more excited to know that he needed to wear something other than a shirt and jeans. 

I truly excited to see Gabrielle's reaction to all the animals, stunts and lights, cotton candy you name it.  I have a set budget of skies the limit! Long are the good ole days when my dad, or sister or mom took me to the circus, Big Top Apple I remember because it was in Time Square.  They brought me everything my hands could carry.  I guess it's a good thing Gabrielle's hands are SMALL, ha. The whole clan are is going, seats 1-9 here we come. 

Scan is later this afternoon, stay tuned.

I'mmmmmmmmm baaaaaaackkkkkk.  Well, scan is complete and our baby is a kicking, all four chambers of the heart, diaphram in tact, spinal cord just great, kidneys, you name it, it's got it.  Thank God.  What I dont know is if it's a boy or girl.  The baby moved around alot but kept its face down.  Roger enjoyed everything and so did I, here's a little pick of the baby and big sis.

Hey, whose that over there?

It's just me sis!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Breakfast at Gabrielle's

Pineapple Peach Upside Down Cake **

1 Box of Yellow Cake Mix
1 Can of Pineapple Slices
1 Can of Peaches
Dark Brown Sugar
Marshiano Cherries if desired in the middle of pineapple slices.

Make a bed of brown sugar on 10x13 cake/baking pan.  Try to pat/air dry pineapples and peaches before laying them over brown sugar.  Prepare cake mix as directed, eat bater first for fun, then pour over prepared bed of brown sugar/peaches/pineapples.  Bake at 375 for 40 minutes, boom, bang pow.  Oh, when cake is done, flip cake pan OVER onto a flat plat.   Someone asked to put stars by each receipie so I've given this one 2 stars.

Take notes Gabi, cook book is on the way dear!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Gabrielle's Bedroom and Reading Nook

Well, February 1st. marked the day to start my unfinished projects at home.  I had to began with Gabrielle's closet for two reasons:

1- The remaining fabric has been sitting in her closet since November 2012
2- Gabrielle can finally have her room complete and enjoy her own room before she has to share it with a sister (possibly).

It all began with this before and after picture of a closet turned closet nook on another blogspot that teaches DIY projects.  I'm all for decorating and Gabrielle also had a closet with a ledge to sit on. 

Well that's all I needed was a picture for inspiration and the nearest fabric store.  My fist time there was awesome, I spent hours and of course 2-3 trips before I could finalize a patern.  I wanted it totally seperate from the brown and pink theme, a seperate entity.  First I got the fabric, then foam for the seating, paint and a few hours alone.  Her curtains were the project this weekend and now it's complete. There are book shelves on the sides of the walls with her favorit books.



Gabrielle's Room
Reading Nook/Club House

Friday, February 1, 2013

Wednesday Ritual at Zaxbys

As always, on Wednesdays Roger and I go to Zaxby's because Kids eat free with each entree.  Two entrees from us, eqauls two free meals and it's pretty tasty as you can see. 

Gabrielle has grown to LOVE ketchup.  There will be no eating of her fries if she doesn't have "etchup mommy etchup, I want etchup".  She dunks it about 2 or 3 times, sucks that off, then goes for another dunk and finally devours the fry.  She's to smacking cute man, I'm thinking it might not be so bad after all to have a girl I'm thinking (for this moment ONLY).  I went to Marshalls for some odds and ends........odds and ends meaning something for Roger, Myself, the house and of course Gabrielle. I've learned that I don't feel so guilty coming home with something in the bag for just myself; everyone gets a little something somethin. And while in the process I decided to pick something VERY neutral for he or she. 

Then I kept walking by Gabrielle's section over to the newborn section and have mercy on me people.  GIRL clothing is so much better than boy clothing, from the hair bows down to the socks on their feet.  Everything is all froggy, Barney looking, chess club or simply wack outfits for boys.  I'm gonna have to work hard on this one if it's a boy.  I know I can rely on Grandma Cherry and Uncle Tucky back home in NY to hook em up, but good grief.