Thursday, May 9, 2013

100% Over it and 50% Effaced!

So lately, it's really been getting rough for me.  I can't breath, my back is killing me and 31 weeks is starting to feel like 42 weeks.  Well I take that back, 42 weeks is when my office will induce if you're over your due date and not a minute earlier.  So I rephrase the 42 weeks part, ugggggggg, it's ugly.  All I know is that it's extremely too early to feel this way. Yesterday during my lunch break, I decided to go out for lunch and when I got back to my building I almost fainted.  The nurses took my blood pressure, which was fine, but the were nervous about my facial color, PALE.  I had to lay down for 20 minutes or so before I could regain my composure. 

The VERY next day, those BRAXTON hicks that I've been talking about were getting pretty painful.  Sitting at my desk, drawing  a patient or just walking to the water fountain I'd have painful braxton hicks.  Not able to take it any longer, I decided to get checked and although I'm not dilated, my cervix has thinned out to 50% at which should actually be 0% at this point within the pregnancy.  They're not really concerned, and they wouldn't call it a "laboring cervix".  I just have to get plenty more fluids and REST.

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