Friday, May 24, 2013

You read it, I said it, "Yes I'm going to BREASTFEED"

Well after thinking long and hard, I've come to the conclusion that we're going to try breastfeeding Braxton.  I REALLY didn't want to go this route, but financially  it would be ideal.  Ideal if I produce enough milk and he latches that is.  My experience with Gabrielle was horrible, but after reading blogs, breastfeeding verbiage, etc.  what I experienced was quite normal and what was supposed to happen. 

For instance, with Gabrielle she latched on immediately after birth.  It was never made up in my mind that I would breastfeed, but it didn't hurt to try.  So, when the nurses asked me I said, "sure why not".  Well, throughout the hospital stay that's what we did and it went great.  Not even a day or two home with her, my milk came in like a freaking flood.  I had no idea that I was not supposed to express in hot showers.  If you'd only seen me.  The shower to me was like a God send and when the steam hit my wonderful looking painful boobs, they shot out milk like a water hose.  The relief and satisfaction of not being engorge was great.  Then right afterwards I'd still be leaking so I'd feed her.  UM, wrong move buddy.  Apparently, I'd signaled hormones in brain to think that yes, the kid was eating while I was expressing in the shower and give her more since she's still milking.  I OVER produced to the point where I developed a duct under my arm.  A duct as in a lump filled mass or what have you underneath my arm.  It clearly has remembered it's role in this whole pregnancy journey because it resurfaced around 10 weeks of me bring pregnant with Braxton. 

So, needless to say when my milk came in, I mean like just came in is when I gave up.  According to the information I read, this was the hardest part and I said to myself and Roger NOPE that's it.  On to Enfamil formula she went and on came frozen cabbage for the boobies.  This time around, I now know that I need to push through it if I want this to work.  Considering I'd just came to this boobie feeding solution this week, I hadn't taken into consideration all of the accessories  that come along with it.  What made the decision a little easier for sure was the fact that insurance now covers breast pumps, yeah for Obama Care, I guess.  I called BCBS NC and a pump of my choice, through their vendor of course is covered at 100%.  I'm allowed to order it June 7th, 30 days prior to my due date, thank God.  I have to admit that getting a free breast pump along with the free milk I can offer makes boobie feeding alot easier to try and conquer.

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