Thursday, May 23, 2013

Winding Down at 33 Weeks!

You know, I've come to realize that this taking it easy thing is easier than I thougt.  It's actually not that bad to come home and do absolutely nothing.  No cooking, cleaning, school work......nothing.  It's quite expenisive though, not cooking and all but this will soon come to an abrubt end once Mr. B gets here.  Going home and relaxing is something I actually look forward to now.  Before it was going home just to get to Target, Marshalls, Ross, Michaels, Arbys (for a pick me upper), Michaels and I cant forget TJ Max.  I miss these stores like it's nobodies buisness, but I'm pretty sure I will be there ALL this summer, especially for evening walks with the kiddos and my girls. 

So for a pregnancy update, I'm offically 156 and for certain that I will be well over 160 before this is all over.  I'm still all belly, but I'm starting to feel the pressure in my anckles when I'm standing up.  It's not swollen or anything, but I can tell that I'm carrying some WEIGHT around.  My scheduled docs appointment was the other morning and things are just fine.  Baby is still head down, although I know turns round and round like a clock in there.  My little BRAXTON hicks are still coming and going but they feel like they are supposed to and not like the real thing.  I tell you one thing, I feel like my body is behaving like a runner at the starting point of a race waiting for the gun to fire and take off.  In other words, I feel like my body is ready for labor at any moment, the drop of a dime, name it, that's what I mean.  I clear I'm loosing my (don't ready if you're easily grossed out, skipp to next paragraph)  EWCMP that stands for ewwww cervical mucus plug.  EVERY time I go to the rest room, there is some on the tissue, is that time just follow directions and not read. 

It's quite exciting though to know that I only have 6 more weeks to go.  What's exciting about this is the unknown.  I'm all about the unknown because at the end of this journey I get a baby so, it's not like the scary unknown where you don't know what to expect.  In my case I can expect a baby.  Will it be 3 more weeks if I go in at 37 weeks or 6 more if I make it to 40 weeks.  Either way, I just hope that I go in the first week of July because my dream plans (nothing is our plan) are to be out from July to Oct.  I want it this way for a number of reasons, the most important is going back after Gabrielle's 3rd birthday.  I really want to throw something nice for her and my adjusting my mind about being back at work and BREASTFEEDING wont allow me to be in a mood for a party unless I know that I wont have to be to work the next day.  Yeah, you read correctly BREASTFEED.  More on that next time.   

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