Wednesday, May 1, 2013

30 Week Update

CRAVINGS:  Lately I've been craving COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE.  I never was a coffee drinker, maybe a cup once or twice a week, but never to this extent.  It really kicked in the beginning of my third trimester.  I more so believe it's simply due to how tired I am when I first get to work every morning.  Not to mention sitting waiting for a patient to come in totally drags the mess out of me.  During our stay in GA, free breakfast and coffee came in groves.  I was the first one up to take a morning stroll down to the lobby and gladly sit for about 15 to 20 minutes in my own thoughts, with Joe (coffee).  I'm beginning to realize that I'm a morning person.  I don't necessarily want to talk to anyone AT ALL, I just cant sleep past 8:00.  Even on the weekends, which is what I'm referring to, I cant get to sleep past that time.  I am however, able to fall back to sleep once me and Gabrielle has eaten and Roger is up to take over.  This morning issue I'm having might however work in my favor since I will have another CRY to attend to for tons of morning feedings.

I've been thinking  about his coffee thing alot lately, and it might actually brighten my mornings at home when I have to get two kids ready and out for daycare.  I may invest in a personal single cup coffee maker since Roger wont have anything to do with it.  Maybe around black Friday, when the kids are just getting into full swing of being in daycare together. Besides they're so expensive and not on the budget list for a while. 

WEIGHT GAIN: Approximately 33 pounds, WHAT.  I started out at 121 and at 30 weeks I weigh 154 pounds.  My sister says that she's Godly jealous, which tickles me to tell her my weight every time.  I'm officially only in maternity pants and tops.  I was able to get away with the scrub pants, but not anymore.

BRAXTON:  His room is officially finished.  Roger and I are weaning somethings out of Gabrielle's room to make room.  There are lots of toys that she does not play with and screams GIRL that we cant keep it.  His room is a little tight, with the bed and a chair as well as two night stands, but crammed always meant comfy to me.  It fits well, and it's not overly cramped with toys and clothes every where.  The accent chair is a nice touch so everyone wont have to sit on the bed when they come into his room.  Everything is neatly put away and awaiting on his arrival.  They both share a closet and that seems to be working out for now. At 3 pounds, he is moving alot. 

GABRIELLE: She's growing so much as well.  My little baby (for now) has so many questions lately.  My patience and tolerance level is at a high, meaning I can answer them all day and deal with her little out burst that she has every now and then.  I'm for certain that it's only because she is at daycare all day and all I want to do, including Roger is cater to her.  What scares me is when she will actually be home with me all day.  Will my tolerance level drop, of course it will.  SO, of course upon reading blog after blog of other experienced moms of two, I'm coming up with some ideas which I know she might like.

MOMMY:  Boy am I so READY to get my swag back.  Goodness gracious!  And when I say swag, I'm so not referring to clothes, sneakers, blah, blah, blah. 
  1. I simply want to walk faster than 2 miles per hour. 
  2.  Not struggle to get out of my car
  3. Pick up Gabrielle without restrictions (this should be first on the list, because I miss it so much)
  4. Be able to bend over and pick things up
  5. Sleep on my stomach and roll over without the help of Roger
  6. Stop going to the bathroom 50 million times a day
The list can go on and on, but do you really want to here it.  I have rhinitis as well.  TMI, but it's a clear fluid thick mucus that I keep blowing out of my nose.  No allergies and no head pressure, just lost of tissue blowing.  On a positive note, life is good and I know it can be worse.  This pregnancy is healthy, baby is healthy, work is good, hubby is awesom and God is god.  Because he is good, things are the way they are now!  I'm exciteda about my meal plans for this summer.  People keep telling me that I'm not gonna want to do anything but, bump that.  It may be true that I will be over whelmed and food and cleaning will be last on the brain.  But, they need not to forget that it's the summer time.  I refuse to be in the house wallowing, looking a mess, strarving and it's sunny as every outside, not to mention, I dont have to work the next day.
Me and the crockpot will be on fire this summer.  Roger will be my grill boy when he comes home, and hopefully everything will be prepare for him to just throw on the grill.  I'm also gonna utilize my sister to the max.  We'll talk about that later though, she may be reading!

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