Monday, May 13, 2013

Bed Rest at 32 Weeks!

This is where I shall lay for the next week.  Thursday after getting home from JUST getting checked at work, things started to take a turn.  After Roger got home from the gym, he found me home in a fetal position in agony. I assured him that everything was okay, considering Dr. Mong just told me that my cervix was not in a laboring phase and not dialted, just effaced to 50%.  Then after a while, I felt a funny feeling coming over me that really reminded me of when Gabrielle was making her entrance.  Your body actually goes into a transition.  I couldn't breath with these pains and they were getting closer together and lasting about 1 minute apart.  Everything Dr. Mong told me to look out for was actually happening.  WHAT!  I quickly downloaded a contration counter app and I was in complete shock, scared, crying hysterically and I refussed to go to the hospital.  My baby boy was only 32 weeks and so not ready to come out yet.  I coulnd't face the fact that this was really happending.  I told myself, "okay Jocelyn it's 4:00, lets wait until we go to work and have them make things all better.  BUT, when  I felt pressure and a bowel movement (TMI) coming on, I said oh no, gotta go.  As scared as I was, that is usually a first sign that things are getting into place. 

I placed the dreaded call to Shawn and she came over to finish sleeping with Gabrielle while we headed over to REX!!!!
Reaching the hosiptal, Dr. Roche was hot on my heals in no time, (love my docs) and checked me to let me know that I had actually effaced up to 75% from earlier that afternoon., but still no dialation.  She also saw that he was -2 station and head down.  He was really trying to come out 8 weeks early.  Well Jocelyn, Dr. Roche said, looks like you'll be staying over night for a while so we can slow things down.  I was given 1 shot in the BUTT of steroids.  This was to promote lung health for Braxton JUST in case.  I was also given magnesium to slow down contractions and it worked big time.  As the hours rolled away I was given jello after jello, yummy considering I hadn't eaten since Thursday  at 7:30 P.M and it was Friday around 2.  Cleared off the liquid diet, I went crazy ordering everything I could. Hey I was gonna get my moneys worth, did  I forget to mention the bill collecter was RIGHT on my heals while being pushed up the the admitting room with a bill in tow, uggghhh.. 
Anywho, Dr, Martin another one of my docs said things looked good and the baby was not stressed out by this at all so two weeks in the bed and that should be good, especially since my FFN came back negative.  A sad lip and a few protest she said okay maybe one week.  I have an appointment tomorrow to see what's going on and hopefully I can come back to work soon.  I'm so not ready to stay at home with out a baby right now.

Roger and Gabrielle spent Mothers Day on bedrest with me and it was great.

And my babies left me all alone this morning as if I was right in tow with them.  Gabrielle appropriately dressed, fed and ready to rock and roll. Go Roger!!!

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