Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy Birthday TO ME!

I'm MEGA late with this post! May 14, this preggo chick turned 29 years old.  It was also the day of my doctors appointment so I wasted no time getting out of bed and into the morning sun.  I did my normal routine of getting my breakfast at the hospital and sitting in the break room until my appointment.  Everyone thought I was back to work, but I was there to get the go a head to get off of bed rest.  Driving into work that morning and for the rest of the day was PERFECT.  The sun was out (thank GOD the warm weather is here to stay), my family and I were alive and well and the doc informed me that everything look good in there and I can get back to business.  I decided to take one more day and return on Thursday (today) and just get myself together as this would be the last few days alone at home.  It was amazing! Besides being at home and it being my birthday, I really had a sense of fulfilment come over me.  Looking back to where I could've been at 29 compared to where I am now is such a blessing.  My home, my husband, my wonderful job, school, Gabrielle, my sister, neices and nephews, my well being, peace in my home, marriage, job, social life, church, FOOD.  I mean what else could I ask for.  It's days like this that I have to look back on when I'm having a bad day and say hey, all is well and GOD is good.  This morning I also woke up to a new birthday gift!

While in the hospital, I really had some time to take notes on what I really need during the next OFFICIAL trip to the hospital (hopefully after fireworks on July 4).  Not only do I need things, but my family as well.  For the record, when I say family, I'm referring to all 9 of us.  What stuck out the most was SPARE CHANGE.  My family will need a host of money for snacks galore.  Roger and I are the only ones to get free meals, and Roger gets it only because he used to work in the cafeteria.  So to accomodate everyone especially my little girl, I've gone ahead and put some money aside for them.  I have a huge bag of snacks for Gabrielle, coloring pages, markers, etc.  Is it bad that she also has a coming home outfit, lol...............dont roll your eye's, gotta love it! 

Gabrielle's bag is packed for Shawns house and my bag is packed for the hospital all ready to go.  I have a few things for Roger in my bag, but I'm for certain that he will make a trip home once or twice.  While at the hospital, the things I asked for the most were chapstick and my scarf.  So, to make things easier on myself, because I really hate asking every 15 minutes, I packed a very small tote bag that will I will bury somewhere in the bed once in my bed so I wont have to ask for it.

My SISSY POOH also treated me and the family to some good old GREASY food.  My order was cheese steak with provolone, mayo, onions and boy was it good.

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