Saturday, June 29, 2013

39 Weeks!

Well here I am at 39 weeks. Smile on my face, looking okay but feeling like Braxton is stalling. In a painful place might I add. He's so low that it's very uncomfortable to walk and even sit down sometimes. I know he's getting ready though and so are we. This weekend we enjoyed our threesome and took Gabrielle to McDonald for her pancakes, did more last minute food shopping, mainly for a little BBQ when I return from the hospital.  Roger and I are beyond ready, we're for certain next week he will be here. All we can do is wait, wait and wait some more, its pretty brutal actually. I've packed and replaced my bags including Gabrielle's about 20 times and keep taking away and adding items each time. And for goodness sake I'm going back to work on Monday. Only good thing is that I will have my membranes scrapped to get this show on the road come Wednesday at my next appointment. This will also be the last day of work also. 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Well well well, Braxton. You've actually managed to stay in for this long. I don't think you're no where near ready to come out considering I'm only 1 centimeter STILL for the past 3 weeks. But don't worry buddy ole pale, daddy and I have something up our sleeves VERY soon, lol. This weekend, it will just be your sister, daddy and I for one more weekend as a threesome. Next week is the 4th of July, maybe your birthday maybe not. Either way we're gonna celebrate with some hot dogs, cupcakes for big sister, red white and blue jello and little fire cracker pops for Gabrielle and lots of smoothies. This week has been very uncomfortable, lots of contractions but nothing that's consistent. Sleeping is VERY uncomfortable and I uses the bathroom more than Gabrielle does. 
But hey comes with the last week territory of being pregnant.  We're all waiting for you baby boy.  Auntie even put of her New York trip, because for some reason she felt you would come during my 37th week.  So now, she will spend the 4th of July here with us counting down.  
Next week should be my last week if I don't go in this weekend.  It's also the week I told EVERY one to duck from flying chairs if I haven't delivered.  It's quite funny how everyone at the hospital hates seeing me also.  "How much longer girl, dang" or geesh you're still here".  Don't these people realize my tolerance level is decreasing and at any moment not only can I have this baby, but I can snap, crackle and pop someone in the face for silly comments.  I mean, I'm just as ready to have this baby as they're ready to stop seeing me wobble around this hospital, lol. 
So, farewell Rex until I drive up into the birthing center. 
Next post will for sure be when I enter the hospital and get situated in a room, that is after a relaxing epidural.


Monday, June 24, 2013

38 WEEKS! Yikes

So to say that I'm ready is an understatement! Last Thursday at my appointment, not many changes had taken place, still 1 centimeter.  BUT after that visit, I felt violated; Dr. Carter really did a number on me. I say that because things have been crazy down there.  The other docs suggest that she may have given me a vigorous check (little scrap scrap with her fingers) to get things rolling which I truely believe.  All day Friday I've been bleeding and loosing bits and pieces of my musus plug (TMI).  Then while in church on Sunday (yesterday), went to the restroom and I lost ALOT!  I knew for sure that I'd go in that night, but NOTHING.  Needless to say I went into church to listen to the choir sang "He Brought Me" by Dorina Clark Cole and joined the rest of the sanctuary and  did a little two step, at this point it's safe right! 

Friday after getting off pretty early from , I decided to get a heads up on the post partum food shopping.  That is after I sat down and had a little me time for lunch at O'Charleys.   After a caesar salad, chicken alfredo pasta, tons of bread and butter and endless amounts of shirley temple, my table looked as if I had a party for 5 and it was just me.  My waitress asked "more soda, more bread".  I looked at her as if to say duuhhhh.  Anywho, BJ's was my next stop and walking was a complete disater, let alone pushing a cart full of food.  I stocked up on so much food, Gabrielle and I shouldn't want for anything this summer. I got her 200 ices, no joke!  It's so many that I can freeze them all, so Roger put them in the frige and we'll just freeze as we go. 
200 Ices
I keep reading over and over again that food is an essential part of breastfeeding.  So we should be good in that area.
9 Months 38 Weeks
My contractions has been heating up since last night, so I think I may be going in for sure soon.  I just have all the signs leading up to it. 

Lost of mucus plug ( as the cervix opens, it allows for this to pass through, think of it like a cork in a wine bottle)
Baby burrowing his head
Baby has dropped
Easier to breath!

We shall see!


Friday, June 21, 2013

Weekly appointment update!

Just Waiting &Waiting & Waiting

I guess due dates are for a reason right?  I mean why else would they give it you.  Due dates are so overrated for a few reasons, between 37-42 weeks you're considered full term, baby can come anytime between then.  Stats show that women deliver 2 weeks before or 1 week after due date.  Clearly Braxton may be waiting until his due date for his appearance because according to my doc, no changes since last weeks appt.  Still 1 centimeter, nothing more & nothing less!  She has however determined that he's getting snugly in the birth canal because the measurements of my stomach has decreased.  I went from measuring 36 weeks last week to 35 weeks this week, the measure from pubic bone to chest bone (right under the boobs)!  It's cool though, I want nothing more than a July baby so 1 centimeter sounds good. 

Other good news this week is that my breast pump is here. I literally just called the medical supply company because my account said the pump was on back order, next day I received an email that it was being shipped, got home today and bam waiting on my doorstep. This all systemically happened in a matter of a week. Thank God. To make matters even better an conflicting at the same time we have a good handful of Madela products already from my stash with Gabrielle, take a look

 Then on the flip side, my office has been laying Similac and Enfamil powder like crazy on me this past week. Then to top it off, out next door neighbor who just recently had a baby has decided to breastfeed and she's given us about 20 cans of Enfamil. This is like having something your trying to kick a habit of so you can't see it or touch it and its right in your house. How I'm I supposed to push through breastfeeding with goods such as cans of milk in the cupboard. Oh boy, maybe I will chain the cabinets, lol.   Anywho, I'm really gonna relax my nerves from here on out. It's makes no sense to to rush sleepless nights along when I can sleep at least 7 to 8 hours. Those days will be long gone in just a second. Here is that pic I've been meaning to post of Braxton's little hangout bouncer 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Us 3 for now!

We decided to take a walk to the park to try and bring back those cramps that I had this morning. So far nothing yet. The waiting game is crazy! Roger was on deck waiting for that phone call or text but to no avail, oh well I guess. Until then we will just spend some more time with us three at the park. It was hot but cloudy which was good. What wasn't good was the rain that started to fall from those clouds. We actually had to spend some time under the tree until it passed.  To be honest the clouds were the only thing that brought me out cause other wise sun, heat, belly don't mix!

37 Weeks Belly

Monday, June 17, 2013

FULL TERM! 37 Weeks

The buzzer has officially gone off, and Braxton is fully cooked! I'm so glad that I've made it beyong that little 32 week mishap a few weeks ago with the scare of going in early.  Now, if I go in with contractions, "Aint no stopping us nowwwww, we're on the move, huh".  Is that how that old song went. 

Friday I had a weekly doc visit and apparently I'm still 1 centimeters dilated,cervix is 80% effaced (very thin) and baby's head is -0 station (very low)!  Dr. Carter mentioned that although she can't determine when labor when happen, but when it does, it should go very quickly.  -0 station is at the cusp of my hooha.  It begins inside the pubis bone/cavity at +3, then goes down to +2,+1, 0, -3,-2-1 then -0 at the tip, crazy!  This explains the wobble, the pressure to use the restroom for the smallest amount of drops (tmi, so what) .  I can't believe this is happening so soon and at ANY moment in time.  Lots of babies at my church was born this weekend, so COOL!  Even Kimye (Kim Kardashian and Kanye) has dropped their load!  I'm so excited for everyone and can't wait to see and hold my SON!  It's becoming so surreal.  I'm actually excited about my hospital stay, checking in a baby hotel and coming out as a family of four.

Speaking of family of four, did I mention that this is it!  I'm soaking up the what I presume to be the last belly that I will have carrying a child, mentally storing away what those kicks feel like and hiccups feel like.  Why, because I think I'm done.  Who knows what the Lord has in store for me, but as it stands now Roger and I are just fine with 2 little ones unless the Lord see's fit to do otherwise. 

Gabrielle nowadays is growing SO much that I actually need Braxton here ASAP.  Someone to hold without going mommy stopppp.  Does she not have time to be held for hugs and kisses anymore.  She's really either on the move as a two year old or moving over as everyone says!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Weekly Checkup!

So, 1:00 is my next appointment and she MUST check me.  I know for sure that he has slipped his hands through a few times.  Last week we were at 1 centimeters and about 1/2 efface (50%), so wish me luck.  I've also been pretty crampy since Wednesday nights service so I'm hoping things are progressing.  Being torn between wanting him here NOW, but then again not wanting him here until July is killing me.  I know, I'm driving my ownself crazy.  I mentioned before that if I go out until July, that I will be back late September.  My plans are to still be out on maternity leave for Gabrielle's birthday.  I want a WHOLE weekend planned for her, breakfast, zoo, lunch, monkey joes, GIGI's cupcakes, painted toes, shopping.........the whole shabang.  Between the baby shower and every party that she's been invited to this year, summer hasn't even begun yet, she is serious about a birthday party for her. 

I was getting ready to type that getting ready for the birth of Braxton is the most exciting thing ever, but then soon realized that giving birth to Gabrielle was also exciting.  I mine as well just sum up that giving birth, though disgustingly painful, is absouletly amazing.  The waiting game of course is NEVER fun because you cant control when they will arrive.  Well, lets say that you can (because Gabrielle arrived 5 hours later) but it's so unpredictable and nothings in your control.  I've gone ahead and paid my bills for this month, since I can control that and I dont want to be pushing and like "um, did I pay my Macy's bill", because trust me I will!
Roger's going on a cleaning frenzy again this weekend. We've both been pretty lazy this past week and some clothes, towels, sheets, dishes, toys, socks, etc have slipped through the cracks. 
Just had a bearable contraction......................!
Okay I will update after appointment.  

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

So Over It!

Is it extremly to early to be over this whole wonderful experience.  I've experienced the joys of that first kick, finding out the gender, watching my belly grow (including strechmarks), baby shopping, the oh's and aw's, the you're so cute pregnant comments.  I think I'm just flat out over it and ready for him to be here already.  Yesterday I was completly miserable after getting home from work.  I mean flat out tears, whinning, don't touch me kind of miserable!  It's like no one can help me at this point but say, "awww it will be over soon".  AND OMG, if someone else asks me how much longer.  I have a slew of patients come in on a daily  basis.  One person sits, asks, then leaves.  Next patient, sit....ask....leaves, then again, sit....asks, leaves.....sit.....ask......leaves.........SIT....ASKS.....LEAVES!

Okay, enough ranting I guess!  I was very happy the other day to feel some period like cramps.  I was startled at first, but then quickly realized, um labor..................yeah bring it on. 30 minutes later, absolutely nothing.  I'm trying to decide whether I want to be checked at my next appointment on Friday or wait until next week.  I really couldn't fathom hearing oh, no further dilation yet Jocelyn.  Maybe this Friday I will be checked at 36 weeks. Sunday I turn 37 and I wont ask to be checked again until 38 weeks. Aint no need for all the disapointmet!
My breastpump is on back order, but it's been approved and all doctors notes or authorizations have been made and just waiting on it to ship.  Once I turn 37 weeks, it's back off the couch for me!  I wasn't on bedrest or moderate bedrest at all, just chilling out from the last scare.  I'm gonna start my food shopping as well.  With Gabrielle being home for 8 weeks, inlcuding myself for 12, we're gonna need some GRUB!  I won't allow anyone to touch the "Post Partum" food section until I return from the hospital.  I'm mainly going to focus on alot of BBQ food so that Roger can grill EVERY other night (ribs, burgers, hotdogs, sausage, chicken, steaks)  The salads I will take care off during the day and wait for the meat at night.  Gabrielle has a habit of eating while she's bored, so I have to watch it with her.  Nowadays she opens the fridge and ask me for something AFTER she's taking it out along with a spoon. 
I want to focus on lots of easy prep food as well.  Bagels, oatmeal, waffles, cream of wheat for our breakfast and tons of snacks.  Either way as long as I'm feed, I should be okay.  I will treat myself to other foods and my personal me time one Roger arrives home with Susie (my suzuki). 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

36 Weeks Belly

So big right...............yeah sure!  It's so funny to hear these women talk about how small I am.  They totally get a kick out of me when I say, "well I gained 35 pounds".  One girl at a restaurant was clearly disgusted, in a funny way when I told her that I was 162 pounds.  She said " that's just gross, I mean look at you, you're as skinny as a rail talking about 3 weeks left".  


Friday, June 7, 2013

3 Weeks Left!

I guess if 3 weeks is what it takes for Braxton to cook a little longer, than what can I say!  3 Weeks just seems so far away, especially when time just seems to slow down when you get to the VERY end.  Slow has been good for us though considering we're able to spend more quality time together with just the three of us.  More movies, more sleep (for now) more functionality around the house and we're just cooling out.  It's a real chill atmosphere at the house now that I think about it..............maybe it's the quite before the storm; well not maybe, it is for sure!

Now, I figured from here on out I will just post STATS and of course stay tuned for birthing story!  But don't hold your breath because Braxton seems to be content, low, but content!

Excitement during week 35!  So far for me, the only exciting thing was finally purchasing a place for Braxton to sit and chill while we're at home.  I realized that I gave all three of my bouncer chairs away before I got pregnant, leaving Braxton out to dry.  Target has a really cute high bouncer called the Snuga Monkey Rock and Sleep bouncer for 74.99.  I was able to get it immediately once it went down in price to 59.00.  Me and the gang we're drooling over the display at Target and within minutes, we had two moms walk up to use to tell us that it was the best thing on EARTH.  (Picture to follow tonight)  It's able to fold and it's extremely light.  Apparently, it's best when I want to shower and have him in the bathroom with me or anywhere else close in proximity. 

Movements:  If Braxton is ANYTHING like he is inside the womb, outside the womb, I'm doomed.  Granted, thank goodness for an active baby, toddler, etc, but geesh..............can you say broken ribs.  I feel so sore after he moves, Roger thinks I'm having contractions.  "Babe are you having a contraction", "No Rog, he just MOVED his elbow or foot between one of my ribs".

Progress and Task List:   Braxton and Gabrielle are set and on the list over at Rex Daycare.  Maternity papers are signed and delivered.  12 Weeks are on my department schedule, due to begin July 7, good ridens or luck if it's before!

I've also went along with ordering the Medela Advance Double Breast Pumping system this morning in less then 10 minutes through the vendor my insurance company provided. I sure hope breastfeeding is just as easy.

I've organized the breastpumping storage area in my kitchen cabinets and came across the one thing that I didn't give away.............clearly for sanitary reasons.  Somewhere hidden in a  randomly used cabinet sat a manuel Madela hand pump, 1 box of unused, still sealed 50 count breast milk storage bags and 6 6oz Madela bottles, with lids and nipples as well as a bunch of other Madela junk was found.  Talk about a hidden treasure.  It only brought back memories of when I used it at the brink of a mental melt down with breastfeeding Gabrielle.  I literally just used this thing for a good day or two and shoved it in this cabinet to NEVER be seen or heard from again. Now they're sanitized, glistening and are ready to be used when I don't feel like using the new pump.  I must admit that having these items as well as other breastfeeding supplies awaiting me allows me to feel prepared.  I've also taken the liberty to get two night time nursing bras from Macys.  It was buy one get one 50% off.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Some Updates

Just four more weeks every says like its a short amount of time.  It sounds so close to them, but rather far away for men.  I had my cervical check today and my cervix is still thining and I'm 1 centimeters dilated; which is not to much of a concern.  1 Centimeter, meaning a finger tip or the size of a cherrio.  He's still moving around TONS and sometimes I feel as though he's coming right through my skin with his movements.   

So far thoughout this pregnancy I've gained 34 pounds, coming in at 159 as of today.  I'm for certain I will be over 165 before this is all over. Although I can use a few pounds, I know breastfeeding will
will eliminate some pounds easily.  Speaking of breastfeeding, I need to repack a few clothes items that I packed prior to me making the decision that I would try it out.  My shirts that I have during my stay are not breastfeeding friendly at all.  After reading a few blogs and getting some advice, shirts with easy pull downs are the way to go.  It's so funny just thinking about this because I actually had plans to be bandaged up from the moment Braxton came out.  My doctor told me she would put in a request to have these boobies wrapped up and a sign that read out of service.  Now, all of a sudden it's open 24-7 for Braxton. 

I finally turned in my FMLA/STD papers (such a slacker).  Roger has his 3 weeks on the schedule already which is good.  What's also good is that he has a nesting habit ALL year round.  During the times that I'm pregnant, he just goes into overload and cleans like it's nobodies buisness.  So I'm walking around making sure I don't throw my clothes around or leave dirty dishes on every floor. 
We've been spending much more time together now that I can finally sit down on the coach for a reason.  Now that I'm relaxing more, I finally have a chance to sit back and realize just how much I was on the move.  Geesh!