Saturday, June 29, 2013

39 Weeks!

Well here I am at 39 weeks. Smile on my face, looking okay but feeling like Braxton is stalling. In a painful place might I add. He's so low that it's very uncomfortable to walk and even sit down sometimes. I know he's getting ready though and so are we. This weekend we enjoyed our threesome and took Gabrielle to McDonald for her pancakes, did more last minute food shopping, mainly for a little BBQ when I return from the hospital.  Roger and I are beyond ready, we're for certain next week he will be here. All we can do is wait, wait and wait some more, its pretty brutal actually. I've packed and replaced my bags including Gabrielle's about 20 times and keep taking away and adding items each time. And for goodness sake I'm going back to work on Monday. Only good thing is that I will have my membranes scrapped to get this show on the road come Wednesday at my next appointment. This will also be the last day of work also. 


  1. Still with child I see, lol. Well this was posted this morning so there's a chance you maybe in labor as I post this message. :-)

  2. You really worked up to the last day! I'm so proud of you! Now we wait for Braxton's arrival! WHIOOT WHOOT! ❤❤❤
