Wednesday, June 12, 2013

So Over It!

Is it extremly to early to be over this whole wonderful experience.  I've experienced the joys of that first kick, finding out the gender, watching my belly grow (including strechmarks), baby shopping, the oh's and aw's, the you're so cute pregnant comments.  I think I'm just flat out over it and ready for him to be here already.  Yesterday I was completly miserable after getting home from work.  I mean flat out tears, whinning, don't touch me kind of miserable!  It's like no one can help me at this point but say, "awww it will be over soon".  AND OMG, if someone else asks me how much longer.  I have a slew of patients come in on a daily  basis.  One person sits, asks, then leaves.  Next patient, sit....ask....leaves, then again, sit....asks, leaves.....sit.....ask......leaves.........SIT....ASKS.....LEAVES!

Okay, enough ranting I guess!  I was very happy the other day to feel some period like cramps.  I was startled at first, but then quickly realized, um labor..................yeah bring it on. 30 minutes later, absolutely nothing.  I'm trying to decide whether I want to be checked at my next appointment on Friday or wait until next week.  I really couldn't fathom hearing oh, no further dilation yet Jocelyn.  Maybe this Friday I will be checked at 36 weeks. Sunday I turn 37 and I wont ask to be checked again until 38 weeks. Aint no need for all the disapointmet!
My breastpump is on back order, but it's been approved and all doctors notes or authorizations have been made and just waiting on it to ship.  Once I turn 37 weeks, it's back off the couch for me!  I wasn't on bedrest or moderate bedrest at all, just chilling out from the last scare.  I'm gonna start my food shopping as well.  With Gabrielle being home for 8 weeks, inlcuding myself for 12, we're gonna need some GRUB!  I won't allow anyone to touch the "Post Partum" food section until I return from the hospital.  I'm mainly going to focus on alot of BBQ food so that Roger can grill EVERY other night (ribs, burgers, hotdogs, sausage, chicken, steaks)  The salads I will take care off during the day and wait for the meat at night.  Gabrielle has a habit of eating while she's bored, so I have to watch it with her.  Nowadays she opens the fridge and ask me for something AFTER she's taking it out along with a spoon. 
I want to focus on lots of easy prep food as well.  Bagels, oatmeal, waffles, cream of wheat for our breakfast and tons of snacks.  Either way as long as I'm feed, I should be okay.  I will treat myself to other foods and my personal me time one Roger arrives home with Susie (my suzuki). 

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