Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Breastfeeding Supplies!

I've officially become an information junkie on breastfeeding. My first call of duty was to speak with a mom that breast fed successfully for over 6 months and pumped at work.  After getting good knowledge from her, it was time to hit up Google, lol.  According to both sources, here are a few items that are must haves.

1- Lansinoh Lanolin cream works best for nipple irritation.  I've gone out and purchased 1 box which contains 1 tube at $9.99 from Target. It gets no cheaper than this regardless of brand chosen. Trust me, we spent well over 30 minutes hogging up the breastfeeding aisle.  Anywho, apparently it's good to use the minute Gabrielle is done with feeding from the moment she comes out to prevent dry and cracked nips. You're to apply it after every feeding.

2- Another must have item was nursing pads. This was indeed funny as my nieces accompanied me this weekend and had questions galore.  They were most helpful trying to figure out which brand, price and quantity would be most economical, not to mention what the heck they were for.  Here's an idea of how much came in a pack/price at Target. 

Johnson and Johnson 60 pads at $7.49
Lansinoh 60 Pads $6.79
Lansinoh 100 Pads at $12.49
Target Brand 60 Pads at $6.50

We were going to go with Johnson and Johnson because Shanice swore up and down it probably smelled good and it was a well known brand.  Adoni was adamant about the Target brand to save a few cents.  I on the other hand, the one who would be using them figured, "why not spend 4-5 more dollars and get 40 extra with Lansinoh 100 pads in a pack".  Besides, with 100 of them I would have a few on deck for a while and the more supplies I have at home the less chances of me running out to the store to grab more. 

So far we're at $23.00 for supplies. 

3- Breastfeeding Storage bags, oh boy.  Okay so apparently, the 3 brands we're working with here are Medela and Lansinoh as well as store brand names.  The only reason why I haven't decided to purchase these just yet is due to me not pumping until after 6 weeks, then again this can all change so maybe I should buy them.  They all come with different quantities, the smallest I believe being 25 bags.  Some have areas to write information such as name, date, etc.  Some have a double seal, some are meant to lay upright or flat.  A bunch of headache if you ask me.  I will decide on these sooner or later.

4- Lansinoh Thera Pearl 3-1 Gel Pack.  This will indeed be my very next purchase at $15.00.  These are made to act as compresses, either cold or warm.  It looks like bath gel beads that explodes in the water all in a bag looking thingy that conforms to fit your boobs.  I mean you can always go out a buy a bag of frozen peas, just that when you warm them up, you'd better eat them for diner.  With the gel pack you can freeze over and over as well as warming it repeatedly.  This gel pack serves to reduce breast engorgement and or mastitis and clogged ducts.  All of which I had except for the mastitis.  I used cold rags  and frozen cabbage.  I truly believe this is a winner when I think about how bad I smelled with the cabbage and the cold rag getting warm in a matter of seconds.  It's either home remedies, which need to be replenished or the gel pack.  GEL PACK!

5- Boppy Pillow, check considering I held on to mines for Gabrielle.

6- Good Double Breast Pump W/ supplies at home and for work.  Storage bags for work and home and a good ice cooler lunch bag which most breast pumps comes with anyway.  But for bringing the milk home, you always want to have a seperate bag and your marker for writing on the bags.

Lets get started!

Friday, May 24, 2013

You read it, I said it, "Yes I'm going to BREASTFEED"

Well after thinking long and hard, I've come to the conclusion that we're going to try breastfeeding Braxton.  I REALLY didn't want to go this route, but financially  it would be ideal.  Ideal if I produce enough milk and he latches that is.  My experience with Gabrielle was horrible, but after reading blogs, breastfeeding verbiage, etc.  what I experienced was quite normal and what was supposed to happen. 

For instance, with Gabrielle she latched on immediately after birth.  It was never made up in my mind that I would breastfeed, but it didn't hurt to try.  So, when the nurses asked me I said, "sure why not".  Well, throughout the hospital stay that's what we did and it went great.  Not even a day or two home with her, my milk came in like a freaking flood.  I had no idea that I was not supposed to express in hot showers.  If you'd only seen me.  The shower to me was like a God send and when the steam hit my wonderful looking painful boobs, they shot out milk like a water hose.  The relief and satisfaction of not being engorge was great.  Then right afterwards I'd still be leaking so I'd feed her.  UM, wrong move buddy.  Apparently, I'd signaled hormones in brain to think that yes, the kid was eating while I was expressing in the shower and give her more since she's still milking.  I OVER produced to the point where I developed a duct under my arm.  A duct as in a lump filled mass or what have you underneath my arm.  It clearly has remembered it's role in this whole pregnancy journey because it resurfaced around 10 weeks of me bring pregnant with Braxton. 

So, needless to say when my milk came in, I mean like just came in is when I gave up.  According to the information I read, this was the hardest part and I said to myself and Roger NOPE that's it.  On to Enfamil formula she went and on came frozen cabbage for the boobies.  This time around, I now know that I need to push through it if I want this to work.  Considering I'd just came to this boobie feeding solution this week, I hadn't taken into consideration all of the accessories  that come along with it.  What made the decision a little easier for sure was the fact that insurance now covers breast pumps, yeah for Obama Care, I guess.  I called BCBS NC and a pump of my choice, through their vendor of course is covered at 100%.  I'm allowed to order it June 7th, 30 days prior to my due date, thank God.  I have to admit that getting a free breast pump along with the free milk I can offer makes boobie feeding alot easier to try and conquer.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Winding Down at 33 Weeks!

You know, I've come to realize that this taking it easy thing is easier than I thougt.  It's actually not that bad to come home and do absolutely nothing.  No cooking, cleaning, school work......nothing.  It's quite expenisive though, not cooking and all but this will soon come to an abrubt end once Mr. B gets here.  Going home and relaxing is something I actually look forward to now.  Before it was going home just to get to Target, Marshalls, Ross, Michaels, Arbys (for a pick me upper), Michaels and I cant forget TJ Max.  I miss these stores like it's nobodies buisness, but I'm pretty sure I will be there ALL this summer, especially for evening walks with the kiddos and my girls. 

So for a pregnancy update, I'm offically 156 and for certain that I will be well over 160 before this is all over.  I'm still all belly, but I'm starting to feel the pressure in my anckles when I'm standing up.  It's not swollen or anything, but I can tell that I'm carrying some WEIGHT around.  My scheduled docs appointment was the other morning and things are just fine.  Baby is still head down, although I know turns round and round like a clock in there.  My little BRAXTON hicks are still coming and going but they feel like they are supposed to and not like the real thing.  I tell you one thing, I feel like my body is behaving like a runner at the starting point of a race waiting for the gun to fire and take off.  In other words, I feel like my body is ready for labor at any moment, the drop of a dime, ASAP.............you name it, that's what I mean.  I clear I'm loosing my (don't ready if you're easily grossed out, skipp to next paragraph)  EWCMP that stands for ewwww cervical mucus plug.  EVERY time I go to the rest room, there is some on the tissue, is that TMI............next time just follow directions and not read. 

It's quite exciting though to know that I only have 6 more weeks to go.  What's exciting about this is the unknown.  I'm all about the unknown because at the end of this journey I get a baby so, it's not like the scary unknown where you don't know what to expect.  In my case I can expect a baby.  Will it be 3 more weeks if I go in at 37 weeks or 6 more if I make it to 40 weeks.  Either way, I just hope that I go in the first week of July because my dream plans (nothing is our plan) are to be out from July to Oct.  I want it this way for a number of reasons, the most important is going back after Gabrielle's 3rd birthday.  I really want to throw something nice for her and my adjusting my mind about being back at work and BREASTFEEDING wont allow me to be in a mood for a party unless I know that I wont have to be to work the next day.  Yeah, you read correctly BREASTFEED.  More on that next time.   

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Breakfast at Gabrielle's

Monkey Bread

Perfect for Saturday mornings to pick at ALL DAY LONG and finish with toothpaste and a toothe brush!

4 Cans of Philbury Buttermilk Bisquits
1 Cup Sugar
1 Cup divided Brown Sugar
Lots of Cinnimon
1/2 Cup Melted Butter

Cut each bisquit into quaters (4 pieces each bisquit)
Fill bag with 1 cup sugar, cinnimon, 1/2 cup sugar. 
Dump bisquit pieces into bag and shake to coat each piece
Grease bundt pan and place pieces
Melt butter and stir in remaining 1/2 cup of brown sugar, should look like brown glaze/carmalize
Pour over peice and bake for 35-40 minutes

Once done, turn over bundt pan onto flat surface immediately so glaze can run down sides. 

Extra dipping sauce for middle pieces required. 

Uncooked Dough
My Little Monkey's very own Monkey Bread

Breakfast at Gabrielle's

Wendy's WHO!

So, my husband has a thing for fried chicken sandwiches, especially spicy ones.  He loves Wendys sandwhiches, but lately they've tasted pretty frozen and what Wendy does I can do better!

Ingredients: Chicken

1 Egg
Thinly Sliced Chicken Breast
Sandwhich Rolls
All kinds of seasoning, the trick I used was sprinklingextra into my flour batter.  The flour I used was already lightly seasoned.
Head of Lettuce
2-3 Tomato

Ingredients: Special Sauce

Spicey Brown Mustard


Happy Birthday TO ME!

I'm MEGA late with this post! May 14, this preggo chick turned 29 years old.  It was also the day of my doctors appointment so I wasted no time getting out of bed and into the morning sun.  I did my normal routine of getting my breakfast at the hospital and sitting in the break room until my appointment.  Everyone thought I was back to work, but I was there to get the go a head to get off of bed rest.  Driving into work that morning and for the rest of the day was PERFECT.  The sun was out (thank GOD the warm weather is here to stay), my family and I were alive and well and the doc informed me that everything look good in there and I can get back to business.  I decided to take one more day and return on Thursday (today) and just get myself together as this would be the last few days alone at home.  It was amazing! Besides being at home and it being my birthday, I really had a sense of fulfilment come over me.  Looking back to where I could've been at 29 compared to where I am now is such a blessing.  My home, my husband, my wonderful job, school, Gabrielle, my sister, neices and nephews, my well being, peace in my home, marriage, job, social life, church, FOOD.  I mean what else could I ask for.  It's days like this that I have to look back on when I'm having a bad day and say hey, all is well and GOD is good.  This morning I also woke up to a new birthday gift!

While in the hospital, I really had some time to take notes on what I really need during the next OFFICIAL trip to the hospital (hopefully after fireworks on July 4).  Not only do I need things, but my family as well.  For the record, when I say family, I'm referring to all 9 of us.  What stuck out the most was SPARE CHANGE.  My family will need a host of money for snacks galore.  Roger and I are the only ones to get free meals, and Roger gets it only because he used to work in the cafeteria.  So to accomodate everyone especially my little girl, I've gone ahead and put some money aside for them.  I have a huge bag of snacks for Gabrielle, coloring pages, markers, etc.  Is it bad that she also has a coming home outfit, lol...............dont roll your eye's, gotta love it! 

Gabrielle's bag is packed for Shawns house and my bag is packed for the hospital all ready to go.  I have a few things for Roger in my bag, but I'm for certain that he will make a trip home once or twice.  While at the hospital, the things I asked for the most were chapstick and my scarf.  So, to make things easier on myself, because I really hate asking every 15 minutes, I packed a very small tote bag that will I will bury somewhere in the bed once in my bed so I wont have to ask for it.

My SISSY POOH also treated me and the family to some good old GREASY food.  My order was cheese steak with provolone, mayo, onions and boy was it good.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bed Rest at 32 Weeks!

This is where I shall lay for the next week.  Thursday after getting home from JUST getting checked at work, things started to take a turn.  After Roger got home from the gym, he found me home in a fetal position in agony. I assured him that everything was okay, considering Dr. Mong just told me that my cervix was not in a laboring phase and not dialted, just effaced to 50%.  Then after a while, I felt a funny feeling coming over me that really reminded me of when Gabrielle was making her entrance.  Your body actually goes into a transition.  I couldn't breath with these pains and they were getting closer together and lasting about 1 minute apart.  Everything Dr. Mong told me to look out for was actually happening.  WHAT!  I quickly downloaded a contration counter app and I was in complete shock, scared, crying hysterically and I refussed to go to the hospital.  My baby boy was only 32 weeks and so not ready to come out yet.  I coulnd't face the fact that this was really happending.  I told myself, "okay Jocelyn it's 4:00, lets wait until we go to work and have them make things all better.  BUT, when  I felt pressure and a bowel movement (TMI) coming on, I said oh no, gotta go.  As scared as I was, that is usually a first sign that things are getting into place. 

I placed the dreaded call to Shawn and she came over to finish sleeping with Gabrielle while we headed over to REX!!!!
Reaching the hosiptal, Dr. Roche was hot on my heals in no time, (love my docs) and checked me to let me know that I had actually effaced up to 75% from earlier that afternoon., but still no dialation.  She also saw that he was -2 station and head down.  He was really trying to come out 8 weeks early.  Well Jocelyn, Dr. Roche said, looks like you'll be staying over night for a while so we can slow things down.  I was given 1 shot in the BUTT of steroids.  This was to promote lung health for Braxton JUST in case.  I was also given magnesium to slow down contractions and it worked big time.  As the hours rolled away I was given jello after jello, yummy considering I hadn't eaten since Thursday  at 7:30 P.M and it was Friday around 2.  Cleared off the liquid diet, I went crazy ordering everything I could. Hey I was gonna get my moneys worth, did  I forget to mention the bill collecter was RIGHT on my heals while being pushed up the the admitting room with a bill in tow, uggghhh.. 
Anywho, Dr, Martin another one of my docs said things looked good and the baby was not stressed out by this at all so two weeks in the bed and that should be good, especially since my FFN came back negative.  A sad lip and a few protest she said okay maybe one week.  I have an appointment tomorrow to see what's going on and hopefully I can come back to work soon.  I'm so not ready to stay at home with out a baby right now.

Roger and Gabrielle spent Mothers Day on bedrest with me and it was great.

And my babies left me all alone this morning as if I was right in tow with them.  Gabrielle appropriately dressed, fed and ready to rock and roll. Go Roger!!!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

100% Over it and 50% Effaced!

So lately, it's really been getting rough for me.  I can't breath, my back is killing me and 31 weeks is starting to feel like 42 weeks.  Well I take that back, 42 weeks is when my office will induce if you're over your due date and not a minute earlier.  So I rephrase the 42 weeks part, ugggggggg, it's ugly.  All I know is that it's extremely too early to feel this way. Yesterday during my lunch break, I decided to go out for lunch and when I got back to my building I almost fainted.  The nurses took my blood pressure, which was fine, but the were nervous about my facial color, PALE.  I had to lay down for 20 minutes or so before I could regain my composure. 

The VERY next day, those BRAXTON hicks that I've been talking about were getting pretty painful.  Sitting at my desk, drawing  a patient or just walking to the water fountain I'd have painful braxton hicks.  Not able to take it any longer, I decided to get checked and although I'm not dilated, my cervix has thinned out to 50% at which should actually be 0% at this point within the pregnancy.  They're not really concerned, and they wouldn't call it a "laboring cervix".  I just have to get plenty more fluids and REST.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

31 Weeks With More to Go!

 How you doing..............are you feeling okay?  Oh yes, I'm just 31 weeks pregnant.  I can't say that I'm fine any longer or that I feel great.  I feel PREGNANT! I'm so not complaining or does it sound like it.  I know first hand that it can be worse, I see it every single day.  Doctor says that these are the pleasures of having a second baby.  My muscles, tendons, pelvic wall is not as strong as they were with Gabrielle.  Other words everything is just loosey goosey.  But hey, at lease we get our Boy huh.  I cant wait to see who he looks like, how Gabrielle will respond to him, the look on Rogers face, the tears in Shawnae's eyes and the love that will consume me once I push him out.  It will be as if I want to hold him forever.  I'm really looking forward to holding him and Gabrielle REAL close  to me. My family is growing and it's an amazing feeling. 

It feels way better than my back pain, protruding belly, tired and dizziness around 4:00 EVERYDAY, swollen knees (extra weight gain), sleeping with approximately 6 pillows (Euro and King), eating every 1 hour and constant worry!  When I get home all I want to do is sleep.  We've been eating lots of fast food lately and it's showing.  I have no energy to do anything besides sit on my coach and cuddle with Gabi.

Watching TV with my babies!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Belly Pics

HUGE, I know

30 Week Update

CRAVINGS:  Lately I've been craving COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE.  I never was a coffee drinker, maybe a cup once or twice a week, but never to this extent.  It really kicked in the beginning of my third trimester.  I more so believe it's simply due to how tired I am when I first get to work every morning.  Not to mention sitting waiting for a patient to come in totally drags the mess out of me.  During our stay in GA, free breakfast and coffee came in groves.  I was the first one up to take a morning stroll down to the lobby and gladly sit for about 15 to 20 minutes in my own thoughts, with Joe (coffee).  I'm beginning to realize that I'm a morning person.  I don't necessarily want to talk to anyone AT ALL, I just cant sleep past 8:00.  Even on the weekends, which is what I'm referring to, I cant get to sleep past that time.  I am however, able to fall back to sleep once me and Gabrielle has eaten and Roger is up to take over.  This morning issue I'm having might however work in my favor since I will have another CRY to attend to for tons of morning feedings.

I've been thinking  about his coffee thing alot lately, and it might actually brighten my mornings at home when I have to get two kids ready and out for daycare.  I may invest in a personal single cup coffee maker since Roger wont have anything to do with it.  Maybe around black Friday, when the kids are just getting into full swing of being in daycare together. Besides they're so expensive and not on the budget list for a while. 

WEIGHT GAIN: Approximately 33 pounds, WHAT.  I started out at 121 and at 30 weeks I weigh 154 pounds.  My sister says that she's Godly jealous, which tickles me to tell her my weight every time.  I'm officially only in maternity pants and tops.  I was able to get away with the scrub pants, but not anymore.

BRAXTON:  His room is officially finished.  Roger and I are weaning somethings out of Gabrielle's room to make room.  There are lots of toys that she does not play with and screams GIRL that we cant keep it.  His room is a little tight, with the bed and a chair as well as two night stands, but crammed always meant comfy to me.  It fits well, and it's not overly cramped with toys and clothes every where.  The accent chair is a nice touch so everyone wont have to sit on the bed when they come into his room.  Everything is neatly put away and awaiting on his arrival.  They both share a closet and that seems to be working out for now. At 3 pounds, he is moving alot. 

GABRIELLE: She's growing so much as well.  My little baby (for now) has so many questions lately.  My patience and tolerance level is at a high, meaning I can answer them all day and deal with her little out burst that she has every now and then.  I'm for certain that it's only because she is at daycare all day and all I want to do, including Roger is cater to her.  What scares me is when she will actually be home with me all day.  Will my tolerance level drop, of course it will.  SO, of course upon reading blog after blog of other experienced moms of two, I'm coming up with some ideas which I know she might like.

MOMMY:  Boy am I so READY to get my swag back.  Goodness gracious!  And when I say swag, I'm so not referring to clothes, sneakers, blah, blah, blah. 
  1. I simply want to walk faster than 2 miles per hour. 
  2.  Not struggle to get out of my car
  3. Pick up Gabrielle without restrictions (this should be first on the list, because I miss it so much)
  4. Be able to bend over and pick things up
  5. Sleep on my stomach and roll over without the help of Roger
  6. Stop going to the bathroom 50 million times a day
The list can go on and on, but do you really want to here it.  I have rhinitis as well.  TMI, but it's a clear fluid thick mucus that I keep blowing out of my nose.  No allergies and no head pressure, just lost of tissue blowing.  On a positive note, life is good and I know it can be worse.  This pregnancy is healthy, baby is healthy, work is good, hubby is awesom and God is god.  Because he is good, things are the way they are now!  I'm exciteda about my meal plans for this summer.  People keep telling me that I'm not gonna want to do anything but, bump that.  It may be true that I will be over whelmed and food and cleaning will be last on the brain.  But, they need not to forget that it's the summer time.  I refuse to be in the house wallowing, looking a mess, strarving and it's sunny as every outside, not to mention, I dont have to work the next day.
Me and the crockpot will be on fire this summer.  Roger will be my grill boy when he comes home, and hopefully everything will be prepare for him to just throw on the grill.  I'm also gonna utilize my sister to the max.  We'll talk about that later though, she may be reading!