Wednesday, July 3, 2013

39 Weeks and Heating Up! Beginning of Labor!

I have to admit that I felt pretty defeated walking into work Monday morning.  Coworkers, bystanders and others didn't help the situation when they asked, "no baby yet".  Roger and I both warned each other to put our games faces on and refrain from responding back to sarcastically.  Roger gets it pretty bad on his end with the questions and comments about him not doing his job to get this baby out.  We have our own plans though and surprisingly it's working out in our favor.  Though I wouldn't have been opposed to having Braxton this past weekend, we still wanted a July baby big time, and guess what, it's JULY and my body is getting with the program.

(Monday) For three weeks I've been 1 centimeters dilated, boo hoo!  All weekend long it's been pretty quite as well, that was until Monday night when we got home.  Braxton felt like he was two seconds from WALKING out of my Va-jay-jay.  It was pretty unbearable and it freaked Roger out pretty bad to.  He wanted me to call the doctors office ASAP.  I understood where he was coming from, but I needed him to understand that the pain did not result from contractions. To be honest I would've preferred contractions. 

(Tuesday) I hadn't slept all night (Monday), and was completely not up for work.  The morning went by okay, but later on that afternoon while getting specimens out of the laboratory, I had to stop dead in my tracks.  The feeling and pressure from the night before had reared it's ugly head, and amongst PATIENTS and my CO-WORKERS at that.  Needless to say my co-workers thought black people couldn't turn red, lol.  A mess!  I was really in some pain and Dr. Flanagan wanted to see me right away.  Guess what ladies and gents 2 centimeters whoo hoooo!  That was great news for me, finally some progress. She kind of know's my game plan of waiting until she's on call at the hospital to have Braxton and we're right on schedule.  When we got home, it was time for another sweep through of the house of making sure things we in tack.  After diner and putting Gabrielle to bed, we watched a few movies AND CONTRACTIONS STARTED, WHOO HOO! Fresh to death Roger took it upon himself to get all his clothes together and IRONED since he wouldn't have one for a few days in the hospital.  But when he came back upstairs I was already alseep and that was that, no hospital for us.

(Wednesday)  Today was my original appointment and I was pretty unsure if I wanted to be checked or not.  I mean after today, Roger and I planned to go over board with every extra ciricular activities.  But I said what the heck, who cares, lets go for it.  What do you know 3 centimeters now.  It didn't hurt nearly as bad either this time and that's because my cervix is becoming anterior as oppose to posterior.  So we've made some progess in less than 24 hours. And to add a cherry on top, I was so excited to know that I was 3 centimeters or maybe it's preggo brain I did something so silly. I put on both sneakers before I realized I hadn't put on my dang on pants. Crazyyyyyy and who! So as I sit here typing, I've been having contractions and they're heating up pretty bad.  The whole office is on pins and needles and they anticipate, just as well as I do that I will be going in the hospital tonight.  The family is super ready and so is Gabrielle.  She's just geared up for Aunties house. 

Tonight I will prepare her Red/Blue and White Jell-O because fire works will be in the delivery room! Stay tunned!

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