Wednesday, July 31, 2013

One Month

Really Braxton! Do you really want to grow up this fast. Four weeks has already flown by. I mean don't get me wrong, sitting here everyday doing nothing but watching my kids has been long and SLOW, but they're both getting bigger. Gabrielle will be 3 years old September 26 ( debating in what kind of party) and Braxton is already 4 weeks old. Soon he will be old enough for daycare, nooooooo! 

Nothing much has changed now but his cuteness since he's been born. He should weigh a little over 8 pounds. He does however enjoy siting in a position where he can see EVERYTHING.  Braxton is able to turn his head from side to side. 
He cries a shrieking cry when you put him down. Is it possible to be spoiled at 4 weeks. My sister show nough thinks so, I however feel that he's been in the womb longer than in this world so, it's okay. Around the 7 week mark will I put my foot down or him down I should say. He still eats and sleeps with a few awake stretches in between.  His afternoon naps are the longest. Sometime 3 to 4 hour stretches. At this time, Gabrielle will nap as well and I will get everything done under the sun, including potty breaks, another shower, lunch, TV, simply time to myself. Do you know how special 5 minutes to yourself is! 

He loves to talk, well at least look at you talk! 

Sunday, July 28, 2013


Pedicure Time 
Little Big Lady is waiting for her toes to dry before getting dressed!

Eating Lunch and watching her brother! 

First Bath! 

Taking a nap, the best place on earth

Peeka Boo! 

Hang Time, finally a perm for this mama! 

Family Time 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It does get better!

So after getting Braxton Monday night, he and I both was well rested and we couldn't sleep.  We just stared each other down and got comfortable down stairs in front of the TV. I grabbed another bite to eat and watched some recorded shows until he feel asleep again.  While putting him down to lay on the bed, I kept hearing in my mind and heart to pray; and so I did.  On my knees, praying and praying and at the same time trying to tell Gabrielle to go back sleep. By this time, it was around 2:30 a.m.  Once I was done, she asked to come to bed with me and Braxton and I couldn't have wanted anything more. I was sandwiched by both my kids. 

Tuesday and Wednesday were so much better for me.  I felt like I had more control of the situation and all was well. I managed to do a couple of loads of laundry. By the way, it's pretty redic how much we've been doing lately. If we happen to not fold a load, then we have mountains waiting to be folded. Another thing is the amount of GARBAGE we accumulate in a day or so. Roger is at the dumpster almost every day. 

About time Wednesday rolled around, I was however going stir crazy and needed an exit immediately, even Gabrielle deserved one.  I couldn't wait for Roger to come back home so we could make a mad dash out to Target for some fresh air, goodness gracious! We were both waiting patiently at the door, bye bye, see ya.  Everything I do or go has to be in a hurry before the man wakes up. Until he gets bottles my life will consist of one or two hour intervals of fun, unless he's with me. 

Anywho, The Lord really stepped in and gave me a better outlook! Even though I didn't suffer at all with postpartum depression with my last pregnancy, it was still something I prayed for God to work on way before I had the baby, along with a healthy pregnancy and delivery. I've seen so many women at the practice suffer from this and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Hormonal wise I was different this time around for sure.  I cried at the weirdest things and some logical things. Before having the baby I would laugh at the mere thought of failing as a parent, or not being able to take care of two children. In my eyes, im indeed super women. You just want the best for them always and when the devil/hormonal imbalance takes over you don't know what to think. But it did get better and we finished our week off solid and even managed to get out before the sun hit for a walk!  By the way this dud LOVES his car seat! 

It gets better, right?

It hasn't been a whole week yet, and I feel like I can write a book! I've gleamed about my two weeks with Roger, however that may not be the case for this week.  What's different your wondering besides Roger not being home with me? Well for starters our schedules have changed when it comes to the care of Braxton. From 12:30 am on, Braxton is all mine. It all started this Sunday in preparation for Rogers work day Monday. It was absolutly horrible! Braxton stayed up from 12:30 midnight until around 4. Yes four in the morning. I fed him, rocked him, sat him down, made him cry it out, burped him and burped him some more.  Everything you can think of, I did. I felt so defeated for not knowing what to do with my baby. Was it going to be like this forever. I refused to wake Roger because I felt it wasn't fare for him to be up early having  to go to work and all. 

The hormones and the devil himself was working on me. I began to think of how Gabrielle has been acting out both good and bad just for attention. I began to think of how I failed her as a mom for not spending adequate enough time with her. I began to cry for my mom. It was just terrible. Braxton fed EVERY half hour and the bond I always felt when he latched had disappeared. It was a feeling I wish never returns because I just did not want him on me. This was weird. Was this the beginning of postpartum depression, baby blues?

I cried, Braxton cried some more and I was just thinking, this is what my summer is going to be like.  I finally broke down and went to the third floor, needing Roger in the worst way.  I just stood over him as he slept, tears running down my face, nose, one boob out the other hiding to stay behind my nursing bra due to the soreness.  Roger awoke histerical asking me why didn't I wake him earlier. Nothing came out of my mouth. I just handed him over and walked away to the bathroom, closed the door and cried some more on the bathtub with my head buried between my head. What was I doing wrong! Before this day I had it all under control, why today when i'm supposed to have it under control, I lose control. 

I finally pulled myself together after saying  a quick prayer. And guess whose sleeping, Braxton! Roger rubs me on my back and sends me to bed. And my morning began in less than 2 hours. 

Monday: Roger awoke me with a ready to eat Braxton, but offered for me to get the things I needed to get done first. Without saying a word I bypassed them both, taking the opportunity to wash.  I quickly realized that it might my last shower until he comes home. My showers for the past two weeks had consisted of 4 a day. I hated the mere thought of him latching on to a sweaty boob, so this shower was IMPORTANT! Getting back down stairs at 6:30 I decided to pump because Braxton went back to sleep. I'm not sure what my husband does, but I wish I had his special sleeping powers. Going on 7, the hubs left the house and there it began. I ate quitly but quickly to try and get a nap before both kids got up and low and behold, those plans were out the window. 

Gabrielle was ready for her  breakfast and so was Braxton. I learned that you can do a lot with one hand that day. I made her breakfast while Braxton and I held on to each other for dear life. The majority of the day was spent with me working off of two hours of sleep.  When Roger called to check in and  I barely wanted to hear his voice. To be honest, I felt abandoned, stressed, scared and felt like everything was all me.  The majority of the day was spent with me trying to please both kids, making sure Gabrielle napped, that I pumped at least 3 times that day, defrosted an prepared food for the grill, and tried to nap myself. One things for sure, Braxton finally stayed up for a while, just like he did earlier. I was conviced that he thought I was around for feeding and daddy for sleeping. Around 3:30, I had an extreme urge to clean as I always do when I know Roger is comin home or that we will be out all day.  It's something about coming home to a clean house that can  be appreciated. Its also a big pet pev of mine.

 Remarkably I was able able to get it done, Gabrielle bathed, Braxton changed and time to spare before he got home. I still didn't have much to say, but on the inside  I was beaming. I know that I felt and looked like crap, but my baby dropped his belonging and held me SO tight and whispered the sweetest things that I needed to hear, it was just what I needed. One part that I will share is that he assured me that we were in this together and for me not to feel like I was doing this on my own. And of course I already knew that, how "on my own" could I have been with a three week old and the first day of him being back to work! The trick of the enemy and hormones will have you thinking just that. Not to mention running on two hours of sleep.  We both simultaneously showered, ate, skipped out on our show that we've been following on net flix and I went straight to bed at 7:30, sunlight and all. Of course, I awoke for Braxton's 9:30 and 12:30 feedings.  Later on that early morning, while Braxton was up, I met with The Lord and its been good ever since. 

Tuesday to be continued, take a break because I know this was one heck of a post! 

Sunday, July 21, 2013


Roger is going back on the Clock!

Well what do you know, two weeks has gone by and Roger is heading back to work tomorrow! Ohhhh nooooo! I hated this time around when Gabrielle was born and Roger was headed back to work and things are still the same this time around. He's been my rock since the moment labor started, to the last nap he just has me take a few hours ago. 

These two weeks I've realized a few things. For one, I'm much more comfortable with a newborn the second time around.  Your instincts are correct, you know feeding and sleeping cues and even Roger is more confident this time around.  I also realized how much difference there is in an newborn and a toddler. I really thought Braxton was going to be the hard one. No mam, Gabrielle has him BEAT!  All he does is eat, sleep and poop and occasionally stays up long enough to stare at you. Gabrielle is officially my Tazmainian Child! 

Tomorrow I'm trying to break out the educational material for her. Her two weeks of vacation, no order, bedtime whenever and free for all is OVER. I do however plan to take it easy this week. Still lounge around, not worry about cleaning and just go with the flow of things until I see what a full week with just us three feels like. 

So far I've started to pump on one breast at 7 A.M, around 10ish and again at lunch. It's going good so far, that is when Rogers around. He's normally keeping an eye out for the both of them so we will see how I can get in a few sessions. I jav yet to began on the other boob. I just want to make sure it's completely healed and ready to be stored. So far I've stored about 20 ounces of milk from one boob. I get a total of 4 ounces in under 10 minutes. I've read that I need to pump for longer but it's just the beginning for me.  Sort of a trial and error. Besides my bags are only 5 ounce bags and they recommend pumping 3-4 in each bag so you won't waste any milk when thawing, etc. it's only been 4 days of pumping for me and so far so good. Here's to an we week! 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Granny D!

My precious grandma Dora came down to visit us for the week! One of Brooklyn's finest travel over 10 hours via train. Insane right, I know........ Poor granny D doesn't like plans! She'd quit capable of keeping herself entertained..... Prayer first and foremost, cross word puzzles and writing letters. Grandma Dora is 84 and is the most healthiest senior citizen around. She's so sweet! You can always find her prayer for everywhere and for everyone. He even sends prayer hands in the mail if she wants to prayer for you( an outline of her actual hand) It was such a blessing to see her pray and thank God or Braxton each time she held him! 
Two women whom I admire  the most would be my sister and granny D. My grandmother is such an amazing, thoughtful, spiritual, and faithful women whose NEVER worn a skirt a day in her life, no ear piercing and all that jazz. She picked cotton for a living back in South Carolina where she was born! Once she moved her and her 4 children (3 of which she has outlived, one being my mommy) to BK, she became a teacher for the board of EDU and taught 1 st grade and Kindergarten for over 20 years! Granny is just so faithful to God and her family. With 12 grands and 23 great grandchildren, she's everyone's rock for sure! 

And did I mention that she's ready! Ready to meet the Lord that is. Of course everyone wants to see Jesus and we know our time on earth is only temporary! But how many people can say that they're ready! Ready in the sense of living your life the way God intended for you to live it. I still have a lot of work to do myself and only hope to be as ready as Granny D! 

Braxton was very calm with his GG and Gabrielle loved playing with her ad if she was in her 20 s

Friday, July 19, 2013

Week Two

Round two Braxton Boy!

Message to Time: "Time" I'm really gonna to need you to slow down. Not only will I be back to work sooner, but Braxton will get bigger by the minute!

Is all my work in vain? We just left Braxton's two week appointment and I was rather excited to see if he'd continued to gain weight. His birth weight was 7.5, first office visit at 7 and then he gained back 7 ounces more ounces at next weight check. Okay that's great, my boy is gaining weight an it's all from me. No formula, (though I'm not opposed) but when your working at something so hard and it's  going good, you WILL feel some type of way if the docs told you to supplement! 

Well I thought I was gonna here those exact words after reading the scale at 7.4!  What, below his birth weight. I returned from the scale back to the room to wait for the doctor. Sweating bullets, I got myself into a panic and felt disappointed! What was I doing wrong, how could this be!  I'd explained to him our feeding routine

- every 2/3 hours
- latching on in between feedings for just soothing purposes
- I can now visually see how much my left breast is making 3/4 ounces 
- tons of poop and at diapers!

And as a good doctor, as he was, said well your story sounds good, that's just so weird! I kept reassuring him how good out feedings were together and he was shocked and kept telling me man that's sounds great. Then he wanted to weigh him again. This can't be right he said, on to the scale. 

7 pounds 13 ounces, his face turned red and said well that's a big difference in the  direction of his nurse! Wheeww! Now that's more like it. It was such a relief and I really appreciated and reiterated how much I was thankful for him listening to my story for cues of what a successful breast story should sound like. 

Man I would've been pretty bummed to have him lose that much weight. My boy is doing okay though so off to the next week!  Gabrielle is who I have to deal with next because she's just going down hill with her behavior. That's a whole other topic! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

To feed, To soothe, To bond, To breastfeed It's unexplainable the amount of pain that you have to endure those first few days of breastfeeding! Then it all magically disappears like nothing ever happened. My timetable of breastfeeding events:

Days 1-3 While in the hospital everyone who's anyone will only produce colostrum which is the first portion, liquid gold as they like to say that your breast will make right after you deliver. This time also serves as your own personal trainer for losing that stomach. The hormone oxytocin is released into your blood stream causing your uterus to contract, it's also the same hormone that cause your (uterus) contractions going into labor. It also freaking hurts...... my goodness. I was loaded on ibuprofen and narco while at the hospital and at least 4-5 days at home. This time for me was okay considering it was just the beginning, my milk hadn't come in yet. My nipples were still in good shape and not tampered with or raw. But when it did....

Days 4-7, oh my! This was a trip because day 4 for me I could feel my upper body telling me something major was happening and the liquid gold I could tell was turning clear in fluids and after more expressions it was becoming darker in color but not quit white like milk. Of course the more babies latch on during those first few days, the more prolactin hormones are transmitting signals that your body needs more milk so make it. And of course my milk came in like a flood as it did with Gabrielle? But this time around I was not going to give in. These days here is what makes or breaks you! Without the support from Roger and the resources  I've read, Or seeing his handsome face needing me, I wouldn't have made it through this week. 

The ENGORGEMENT alone was something to deal with. The tissue, extra blood volume,  and incoming milk forced me to express each feeding before he latched on. My breast were so full, my nipples were flat as a wall, waiting for milk to be released. Hand expressing for a little while sowed for some milk to come out, and my nipples to be some what grabable for the little guy. 

The SORE NIPPLES were another hurdle. Grinned, sore, cracked, red, swollen just to name a few. Oh my goodness they were tore up. Roger and I noticed that he would latch on, latch off, latch on and the off. Later finding out he was controlling the flow of the milk due to a fast let down ( of milk) that I have. If he didn't he show enough choked. 

After a while I noticed a burning, shooting sensation in one of my breast. I had no idea that it wasn't normal to feel this pain so I continued to endure it. Then one morning, for the very first time I dreaded feeding Braxton. Roger held him, and waited for me to express in the bathroom and I could do was scream our crying. I looked in the mirror at myself and just instantly felt sorry for myself. I cried out to God for relief, for the pain to stop, to find answers.  Roger didn't even know what to do with himself, he felt so bad. 

I cried and expressed, cried and prayed and just downright let it all out. That was until I heard him crying for me. It was nothing else I could do but pull myself together because my son needed me. It was an instant feeling of mr having to get the job done for the little one.  Needless to say the pain was still burning and sharp pains shot through my right breast.

THRUSH, my nurse at the office told me. I figured it out before I even called her to confirm it. Braxton showed no signs ( white patches in his mouth). I on the other hand had all the signs. I was able to have s lactation consultant take a look at my breast during one of Braxton's office visits. She confirmed that the pain, the beginning of my nipple starting to look pink was indeed THRUSH.  Orders were to continue to nurse, get prescription for diflucan and express out as much as possible to get the infection out. By the way, it was quit safe for him to continue to use that breast. 

Well after ad few rounds of the antibiotic, life began to get easy. My left breast was was first in line to feel like a normal breast that was not sore, engorged, or swollen. It was these feedings that I looked forward too. It was like "oh wowwww this  is what it feels like" it was my light at the end of the tunnel. Having him latch to my left boob was the bomb and if only the right one would get around to it, we could get rolling. After a few days........ Yay my right boob got a grip and it began to feel easy and simple just like the left. Could it be that I finally had two functioning breast. It felt amazing, I was able to walk around feeding, talk on the phone feeding, I felt like a huge weight was lifted.  Lately he's been latching on just to be soothed! No sucking takes place, he just sits there and stares at me. I'm tryingobhold on to whatever's left of me and being a human pacifier is not going to work so we've gotten him a pifir and that suites his sucking reflex. 

Today being week two, I've decided to only pump from one breast until the other breast is off of antibiotics. I've decided to pump after he latches on the right boob, about 3 times a day. Morning, late morning and afternoon.  This morning I was nice and full, a time for me when I'm the most full I got 3 ounces in 5 minutes. It was quit manageable considering I had pumped (electric) when I was engorged. 

For the record, I've been in a hunt for something other than those cover ups for breast feeding. Ugggh, though useful they always just seemed like it was a lot going on under there. It became a fact once I had to use mines, courtesy of a nurse who feel in love with me. She makes them by hand and made Braxton a hat before I was discharged. 

Any who, I came across a sun feeding hat. I just love it! 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Week One

Well round one everyone! We've made it though our first week as a family of four! It's been different for each one of us, Gabrielle I believe the roughest. My baby girl has really tried and is still trying to find her piece in this puzzle. She tries everywhere to see  if it fits and if it doesn't she retorts to acting up or just flat out whaling. She finally opened up to broham once we got home and in our own environment. While at the hospital she wanted NO and when I say NO parts of Braxton I mean it. Once we got home and she knew he was ours, she slowly got with it and asks to hold him all the time now. Her behavior has still changed and some things we let slide until she finds out that she's a big sister whose getting ready to turn three,  but after next week she can forget about the slides! 

Braxton boy has been awesome! I mean I'm in love all over again. He latched on right away at the hospital and each time they brought his tiny little body back to the room to nurse, the three hours of sleep that I only had in between each feeding went out the window! It's been like clock work ever since! Every 2 to 3 hours and sometimes just to sooth. Him nestling up against my skin is the best feeling in the world. I can't believe I was going to let breastfeeding be a pigment of someone else's experience and imagination! Just weeks prior to having Braxton I hated the thought of breastfeeding and now I finally see the art, beauty and bond of breastfeeding! He sleeps a heck of a lot and it takes kingdom come to wake him up! Roger and I have unbeknownst to ourselves created a routine. We always just get into the grove of things and figure out how we both have an active part in the daily routine of operations at home, raising Gabrielle, each other! We tag team it out.  I do one part he does the other and before you know it, it's all done and apart of our routine. With Braxton, he gets the man changed from a wet diaper, this gets him up, then I feed, he's with Gabrielle, then Roger gets him back for a burp and has him until he either falls asleep or goes to chill in his snuga monkey. That's our lives, with meals, movies, laughter, Gabrielle, hugs and kisses in between. At night it's pretty much the same thing until about 2 in the morning and it's all me and Braxton boy from there and I love it. Before then I'm in bed around ten and Roger brings him to me because he needs my boob and I simply wake up, pop it out, feed him and hand him back as fall asleep, easy peasy!   Roger is a night time person always was and always hated it until now.  

His God parents who I had scoped out since me being just a few months pregnant, which my he way I must add was a good idea to have an early heads up. I got to see how we interacted through our my pregnancy, of course without them knowing the knowledge of them being the god parents! I truly admire who I chose way before I was pregnant she's a true women of God, down to earth and we rock which is very important, no funny business! An to make it even better she has a three year and her and Gabi were on fire this pass Friday! They brought us a huge pan of lasagna, baked ziti and brownies and it was perfect! The couple both attends my church and its just a perfect situation. 

Rogers been awesome this week, on fire might I add. He's been keeping up with the house, grilling everyday of the week and holding Gabrielle down for sure! And most importantly he's been there for me every step of my milk coming in, which is a horror story and deserves its own post, more to follow on that. Shrieking at the word engorgment!

Well that's all for now, the sun is up and so is the other son. Breakfast to be made  for me only and then the bigger breakfast when the other two wakes up! Hey, what the world I've never made so much breakfast in my life before. Being home all day you must cook. We done really do cereal unless its a mid morning snack so I've been busting out the pancakes. French toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese eggs, orange juice every morning! I'm so glad ( thanks dad) for the boo koo food shopping that I did before going in. I only made breakfast in the weekends, and I so heavily depended on the cafeteria for my food. Of course Gabrielle eats there food too since they supply the daycare with each I'd their meals. On tip of her oatmeal every morning, she also eats again once she gets there! This girl is a beast. I couldn't and still can't pick her up! What have I been feeding her for nine months 

Friday, July 12, 2013

Labor Story Part 2

Lets get back into it! First before I move on, please be advised that my last post was from my iphone and me and a keypad writing for that long don't mix. Don't worry I wasn't drugged up or anything with all those typos. Anywho, Dr. Flanagan walked back out until I received my epidural. I thought that was gonna be a while but he actually came In 10 minutes later. He walked in on a ten with his enthusiasm and wanting to introduce himself, which was awesome I'm normally the same way. But not during a contraction. "Um sir,..........I can't.........not right now...........please.......please hurry up. 

Those periods where the amount of breaths I had to take as instructed by my nurse who was right in front of me ready to assist with the epidural. She did the talking and introducing for me until I could get a grip. I'm thinking okay as soon as he gets it in, I'm a free women! No, no way! Did he just say it will take a few more contractions before it kicks in. I wanted to say if I feel one more contraction I'm gonna kick somebodies butt. To say that a few more contractions that I felt was an understatement. I felt tons more that I had to get extra stuff through my I.V. Which was the same with Gabrielle!

 Once that kicked in I was checked again and what do you know, 7 centimeters and 3 more to go, or at least I thought! The babies heart rate started to decrease dramatically and I had to start pushing at 9! He clearly knew this was not supposed to take place at 9 either. So he had THEM wait. When I say them, I mean the 9 people that swormed into my room getting prepared for an emergency. The team was there just in case things went left. 

To say that I wasn't scared would be wrong. I mean it went to a extra high level of energy, sense of urgency and just another day for those who were used to it. Dr. Flanagan assured me that everything was okay that the team was just there to take a look at the baby, if we don't need them they won't intervene. I looked over at Roger for more reassurance and it worked, I put my faith in God.  

But like I said Braxton wasn't going antwhere so after 10 minutes of waiting and the heart rate going back up they exited leaving us back to the normal scheme of things. I had to turn to my side and labor him down with one leg up. With each contraction I wasn't able to push, just let gravity do its thing. And it did, not to 10 centimeters but he did descend a little more. But once again the heart rate decreased and team Braxton was back again. At this point dr. Flanagan and I were both like forget this man lets do it. Vacuum and episiotomy,  I pushed my baby out and I saw them drift him away to the team into the warming bed. 

Ahhhhh, check check, apgar good they shouted, 7 pounds 5 ounces some one else shouted. All the while  being sowed up nicely (a virg again as one of my patients said).  I was getting antsy I saw roger snapping away. He saw it in my eyes that I wanted to see my baby already! So he walked over to show me a pic and I say oh no, I don't wanna see a pic I want to see him. And as soon as I said that, there he was in my arms....................

Friday, July 5, 2013

Labor Story

I'm so not pregnant anymore as I type this post, oh yeah baby! My forth of July, a holiday now turned into holiday/ birthday was a remarkable, quick turn of events/blessing. I'm sitting here from a three hour nap while Roger lays out on the rollaway bed still asleep from a good 7 hours maybe. That's awesome because my nurse has been by my side and Braxton has been such a joy that we had it under control. So before he awakes and Braxton comes for his next feeding or visitors start to come I want to share my story of forth of July! Very long story might I add.  One things for sure, I had no clue that it would really turn out this way considering I woke up with NO contractions what so ever. That meant more business for Roger to handle at 6:30 in the morning. Excuse the details but its my story and I'll tell if I want to, lol. I really was on a mission to have my baby. My other big baby woke up not to long after so we decided to  take a walk since it was cool out. Ducking and dodging frogs the whole walk due to the rain, Gabrielle sure felt like she was at an aquarium with all the moistness and frogs  owning the sidewalks. It was too much for me so we loaded ourselves into the car while Roger went back to sleep ( business handled). Were to for Gabrielle and I, who knew. A few minutes later we sat at Dunkin doughnuts with bagels, croissants and a strawberry doughnut.  We talked and had lots of one end conversations. Next ended up at Target, Ross, Marshall's and every other store that had air running. This was by far better than walking  in the hot sun as things were already heating up quick at 10 in the morning. Each store, more contractions but nothing strong, which left me felling like it wasn't it as each minute passed. I adamantly made it to my sisters because us had no where else to go, or to turn too and just decided to keep the forth of July spirit up and not give up. My support group took another long haul with me around the subdivision. 12 rolled around and I once again I lleft  another area, not in labor towards home. Roger comforting me once we got there to let me know that it was gonna be okay.  I on the other hand thought differently. I was supposed to be doubled over, with my neck spinning in pain saying those magical words that its time. No not at all. Everyone kept calling and texting baby yet, no baby, where's the baby, OMG. My frustration soon ended when
Dr. Flanagan called around 1 to ask if i felt any contractions what so ever and I told her yes just not consistent. " oh, well how about you come on in and I will check ya", at that moment I had a bigger smile than Gabrielle at a candy store, " sure thing Dr. Flanagan I will be right over". Next thing I knew my husband and I boated for showers, waking Gabrielle up from her nap ( which we paid for later, or at least my sister did) grabbed our bags, car seat, snacks etc. Walking out the door as three to come back as four. Once I got into the hospital, I expected to be taken to triage, but I was going straight iinto a room, oh yeah baby! I was checked and I had dilated 1 more. I was now 4 centimeters and was to think wow, my tolerance level has really increased. Child I ain't seen nothing about no tolerance level yet.  After walking around for a few, my water was broken and did stuff hit the freaking fan. I mean, the contractions came on like wamb, bam, left kick, upper cut, if this is what you want you got it! What the world! I actually said to myself, what was I in a rush for. I felt crazy for making this decision. I mean I was sick, I mean I had to be if I thought that the ones I was feeling at home was some dang on contractions, i aint seen nothin yet. I was taking off the fluids to do more walking but after a few more contractions in between getting up from the bed and going to the restroom that idea of walking around became like the walk to the execution chair. I wasn't going no where at this point, I really had plans to labor for a while longer at least to six centimeters but there I was daydreaming again. At that next contraction, and the looks of Rogers arms from me squeezing them, "  um nurse, epidural please"! Dr. Flanagan walked in and right back out and said" guess I will come back when you're more comfortable.......... Boob time part 2 later my babyyyyy is backkkkkk

My very own fire works

July 4th 2013 7.4 pounds born 8:20 p.m

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Walk Him Out!

The ONLY way I'm able to write this is because of my friend E.  Her name is Epidural and she's amazing. The family came over Wednesday night to help walk out Braxton. It did nothing but make us all hot am tired so we decided to just sit it out in front of the TV. I had an extreme urge to just clean, vacuum, and sweep. While they were all busying themselves I did just that. 11 came around with slight contractions nothing serious so they headed home to wait for the festivities the next day. Gabrielle took a bath, cuddled in her dads lap and was out for the count. Me on the other hand had a spoonful of the 4th of July Jell-o I made for the house