Monday, July 15, 2013

Week One

Well round one everyone! We've made it though our first week as a family of four! It's been different for each one of us, Gabrielle I believe the roughest. My baby girl has really tried and is still trying to find her piece in this puzzle. She tries everywhere to see  if it fits and if it doesn't she retorts to acting up or just flat out whaling. She finally opened up to broham once we got home and in our own environment. While at the hospital she wanted NO and when I say NO parts of Braxton I mean it. Once we got home and she knew he was ours, she slowly got with it and asks to hold him all the time now. Her behavior has still changed and some things we let slide until she finds out that she's a big sister whose getting ready to turn three,  but after next week she can forget about the slides! 

Braxton boy has been awesome! I mean I'm in love all over again. He latched on right away at the hospital and each time they brought his tiny little body back to the room to nurse, the three hours of sleep that I only had in between each feeding went out the window! It's been like clock work ever since! Every 2 to 3 hours and sometimes just to sooth. Him nestling up against my skin is the best feeling in the world. I can't believe I was going to let breastfeeding be a pigment of someone else's experience and imagination! Just weeks prior to having Braxton I hated the thought of breastfeeding and now I finally see the art, beauty and bond of breastfeeding! He sleeps a heck of a lot and it takes kingdom come to wake him up! Roger and I have unbeknownst to ourselves created a routine. We always just get into the grove of things and figure out how we both have an active part in the daily routine of operations at home, raising Gabrielle, each other! We tag team it out.  I do one part he does the other and before you know it, it's all done and apart of our routine. With Braxton, he gets the man changed from a wet diaper, this gets him up, then I feed, he's with Gabrielle, then Roger gets him back for a burp and has him until he either falls asleep or goes to chill in his snuga monkey. That's our lives, with meals, movies, laughter, Gabrielle, hugs and kisses in between. At night it's pretty much the same thing until about 2 in the morning and it's all me and Braxton boy from there and I love it. Before then I'm in bed around ten and Roger brings him to me because he needs my boob and I simply wake up, pop it out, feed him and hand him back as fall asleep, easy peasy!   Roger is a night time person always was and always hated it until now.  

His God parents who I had scoped out since me being just a few months pregnant, which my he way I must add was a good idea to have an early heads up. I got to see how we interacted through our my pregnancy, of course without them knowing the knowledge of them being the god parents! I truly admire who I chose way before I was pregnant she's a true women of God, down to earth and we rock which is very important, no funny business! An to make it even better she has a three year and her and Gabi were on fire this pass Friday! They brought us a huge pan of lasagna, baked ziti and brownies and it was perfect! The couple both attends my church and its just a perfect situation. 

Rogers been awesome this week, on fire might I add. He's been keeping up with the house, grilling everyday of the week and holding Gabrielle down for sure! And most importantly he's been there for me every step of my milk coming in, which is a horror story and deserves its own post, more to follow on that. Shrieking at the word engorgment!

Well that's all for now, the sun is up and so is the other son. Breakfast to be made  for me only and then the bigger breakfast when the other two wakes up! Hey, what the world I've never made so much breakfast in my life before. Being home all day you must cook. We done really do cereal unless its a mid morning snack so I've been busting out the pancakes. French toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, cheese eggs, orange juice every morning! I'm so glad ( thanks dad) for the boo koo food shopping that I did before going in. I only made breakfast in the weekends, and I so heavily depended on the cafeteria for my food. Of course Gabrielle eats there food too since they supply the daycare with each I'd their meals. On tip of her oatmeal every morning, she also eats again once she gets there! This girl is a beast. I couldn't and still can't pick her up! What have I been feeding her for nine months 

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