Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Feb-July 2013 To Do List

So, Friday is when it will all begin.  February 1st 2013 I'm getting my life together (in my home that is). 

With baby number two quickly coming sooner than later, Roger and I want to get started on some unfinished buisness around the house.  I want to participate as much as possible, so I'm going to be proactive and start before I get a little lazy around the edges.  First off, I have a confession to make.  I'm the biggest contributor to the problem.  I once thought the problem was resolved when Roger and I got our own bathrooms.  I had no reason to pick up clothes that's been lying on the floor all week, or to move my shampoo of the basent or to gather the loads of nail polish that crowded my tooth brush.  Roger has his bathroom on the second floor and I have mine on the third.  Gabrielle simply gets in where she fits in.  Her things are in a little bit of both places, then the kitchen, oh and the hallways and I cant forget the stairs.  Oh let's not talk about the stairs please. Well with that being said, I really need to get some order in places besides the bathroom.  Everything looks okay, but the higher you go  in my home you start to see where I loose control of our space.  I know complete control is impossible, but I have to start somewhere and while I'm at it, get started for the arrival of the new kid on the block. 

Some reasons why I want to STAY with a clean house!
  1. To make a good example for Gabrielle.  Oh, yes she pays attention.  If my shoes are by the door that's where she will put hers.  If my shoes are where they're supposed to be (the closet) then she will be hers where it's supposed to be.
  2. Have more time together as opposed to Roger handling the first and second floor, while I hanlde the third floor and gather laundry.
  3. I'd rather us have a warm inviting feeling of entering our home before company does.  I hate to come home and let out a VERY long sigh that ends with "I have to clean this mess up".
  4. Having a clean home makes me so much more grateful than a dirty home.  I love walking through the house when its clean, candles are lit on each floor.  It's simply called order, peace and tranquility.  I feel like I can do so much more in a clean environment. 
Some reasons why we cant stay on top of things are:
  1. Me
  2. Gabrielle drops it were ever there's space and so do I
  3. I hate to walk up three flights of stairs just to take of my clothes, jewelery, hair supplies etc.  Why not just put it on the stairs and walk past it 4-5 times before I bring it up
Now don't get me wrong, there is one VERY clean person in the house............shhhh I dont want to blow his head up.  And he tries so very hard to clean up after me.  In fact that's all he does and it spoils me to pieces, I'm rotten to the core.  I wont have this anymore, lol.   I'm going to tackle this list starting Friday Feb 1st.  That is after I pick up roll dog Shaniece for a little R&R weekend.  Give her some food, movie, peace and quite from her siblings and the guestroom and she's in all the way.  To bad the boys are coming!

  1. Complete Gabrielle's closet w/curtains for closet nook
  2. Start on painting master bedroom and ordering TV stand and chairs
  3. Keep and create a new snack closet for Gabrielle.  Bottles an formula will soon take over hers.  And for our sake it cannot be eye level with the girl or it's on like donkey kong.
  4. Reorganize guestroom closet for new baby AND Gabrielle's belongings
  5. Get masterbedroom closet under control (goodness gracious) I meant myside of the closet
  6. Post baby shower, either gather and give away Gabrielle's old clothing or gather, wash and store Gabrielle's clothing for a sister
  7. Post baby shower maybe mid June put up crib, changing table and wash rocking chair cushsions
  8. Coat and sneaker closet under control.  Gabrielle is in the running with 7 pairs of  Jordans, 3winter boots, church shoes, slippers, EVEN water shoes.  And half she hasn't even wore yet, thanks Uncle Tucky.
  9. For goodness sake clean and clear out my kitchen cabinet draws.
Granite, these things probably occur once in a blue moon, but it just never stays that way.  Today, no not today, I want to go home and relax since there's no class tonight.  Friday, Feb. 1st I make a vow to Roger, myself, Gabrielle and the company who will have the ability to stop by without a time frame for which I can tiddy up a bit that I will keep our home a happy clean place.  My motto for this 6 month trial period is 'Do it before later, don't walk past it, pick it up, walk a couple of feet to put it in it's perspective place, and if I take it out, to put it back'.  

17 Week Fun Photo Session

My famous photographer decided to have some fun with the blackberry phone last night.  This blue scrub outfit is so comfertable because the top is huge.  It must've swallowed me without a belly, which is why I barely wore it until now.  I sure can appreciate it now because we're not so comfy in the scrub that i'm typing in now, geesh.  Anywho, all is well and I can't complain besides the sleeping.  It's either on the right or left side that I can sleep from here on out, my back and stomach are off limits.  I've offically inherited an outty for a belly button and it sticks out of my shirt and SCRUB top, now that's a hot mess. 

Monday, January 28, 2013

17 Weeks

I think I'm hiding this thing pretty well.  Not purposely of course, but just because that's what it is.  This was my last time wearing this dress, that's a size 4.  It's a leather waist with a zipper, but flows at the bottom.  The trick to this wearing the waist on my belly.  It pretty much looked like a Steve Urcle dress because it was pretty pulled up, but not to the point that it messed up the look.  The jacket is not able to close anymore, but I still was told that I have such cute maternity clothes.  And I'm like, "no doll this is pre-maternity and farewell for this outfit for now". Nothing major going on this week beside some movements and lots of it.  Oh and I can't forget my 12 pounds.  Let me not live that down please, although this time around the pounds are packing on a little to fast.  Not that I'm SOOOO worried about my skinny figure benefiting from a few  pounds, I just want them to be healthy pounds.  Well that's all for now, I'm in the middle of creating a Mission Statement for my home and my to do list before I get to far along in the pregnancy.  Wish me luck with that one!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Decision Made

A problem of mine, well I'm not really sure if it's a problem or not, but I never like to put myself in situations that I know I cant handle, espeically on the financial side.  We moved to North Carolina to own a home because I knew we could handle it.  We chose to start a family with Gabrielle because I knew we could handle it.  We also put her in daycare because we knew financially we could handle it. Roger and I have also made some other decisions because we knew we could handle it.  What we felt we couldn't handle was another child in daycare. 

What I'm beginning to realize is that these are all things that we prayed for and the Lord allowed it to come to past with such great ease for us.  When I thought it, it happened.  The Lord really gave us the desires of our heart.  I feel as though the Lord trusted Roger and I with this numerous blessings.  Gabrielle, some material and even things that we probably didn't need we asked and the lord provided.  I always put my trust in Him, but I'm realizing that if the Lord trusted me with these things, I need to trust him now more than ever.  Why I say now more than ever, is because this pregnancy was of course not planned.  I felt in the beginning not in control of this situation.  Like I said before, if I put myself in it, then I would know how to handle it.  When I found out that we were expecting another child, I felt so lost and as if  I didn't have a game plan or control of the situation.  I mean I stayed with a game plan. I purposly put everything behind me for the holidays to enjoy them.  Just beginning to think of how, when and with what money made me physically sick. 

For the new year, I didn't scramble things in my mind as I always do.  I didn't try to concote some plan for how adding to our family was going to work.  I soley relied on the Lord to show me the answers.  It wasn't until I took myself out of the equation to realize that I wasn't relying on the Lord fully with our decision making.  It was sort of like I was contradicting myself, because I would say that I'm depending on the Lord, but when I didn't have a plan, I felt totally hopeless.  But If I was depending on the Lord all along, then I wouldn't have felt totally helpless, (past tense of course).  My plans are either not his plans, or they are the plans that God has for me.  I so had it planned that we would not try again until Gabrielle was out of school, because that's when we could afford to send the next child there.

Those plans were clearly more beneficial for me, rather than my family as a whole.  Things will turn out so much better now that we are adding to our family now rather than later when I'm in my thirties.  Just looking down the road, I can see all the negatives that I thought would be the case turning into positives right before my eyes.  I will list them if all I didn't want to say is that Gabrielle's brother or sister will be joining her in daycare Sept 2013, after maternity leave is over.  We put her name on the sibling list.  My big girl will be joining me for maternity leave this summer, but that's a whole other post in itself people. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

Breakfast at Gabrielle's

Lemon 7 Up Cake

1 Cup of 7 Up Soda
Yellow or White Cake Mix
4 Eggs
Dry Yellow Pudding Mix
1/2 Cup Oil
Cook for 45 Minutes

Cream Cheese Frosting
1 Pack of Philly Cream Cheese (room temp)
1 Stick of Unsalted Butter (room temp)
1 Cup of Sugar
2 Spoons of Vanilla Extract

Back in Time

16 Week Fetus and a Fibroid!

What the World! I've been feeling this pain on the left side of my stomach that's been driving me crazy.  After my appointment today, it was confirmed that I indeed have a fibroid.  I knew that I've had it for a while now, but it really didn't effect me to the point where something needed to be done.  Now that I have a growing uterus, the two are colliding with each other.  I was told nothing much could be done, but take the pain and  wait it out until after the pregnancy.  This is fine by me since it wont interfere with the pregnancy at all. After the pregnancy, they will remove it laproscopically.  Other than that, I've felt lots of movement.  Nothing strong, which is due to he/she's bones not being that hard yet; but enough to know that it's a party going on.  Speaking of party, I REALLY don't think I can hold out until May 2nd. I may have to rethink this whole shower thing for an earlier date.  The scan is in 2 weeks and my mind is already going crazy. We've already come up with a FULL name for a boy and the family all agreed.  This is big considering I've thrown out 100 options and when I put this together, it was like "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nice, yeah that's it".

16 Weeks

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Baby Bag Obsession

Well my theory for this pregnancy is "Going out with a Bang".  Roger and I only would like two children, but whose to say.  BUT for now, it's two.  So going out with a bang means every thing right now.  Big Bang Baby Shower, Big Bang Stroller, Big Bang BABY BAG!  Oh yes people, baby bag.  Baby bags are important to me for numerous reasons.

1- First and foremost it also serves as my bag, I mean who wants to lug around a purse and a bag. 
2- Our life is in the bag, snacks, wallet, Rogers chap stick (hi baby), 2 Bibles on Sunday, pen, paper, etc, crayons, lotion, comb, a scarf because Gabrielle wears one EVERYWHERE, baby doll, Leap Frog, etc.
3-Now with two babies, line number 2 just doubles.

SO, with that being said, I'm going to make an investment.  Probably the biggest one I've made in a bag.  If you know me, I hate pocket books.  If I could carry everything in my hands I would prefer that.  In fact Gabrielle's baby bag was a fancy baby bag that was a book bag which also gave me the option to wear it as a pocket book.  Shanice loved this bag and always opted for the back pack version.  I still use her bag if we're going to be gone for the majority of the day.  So like strollers nowadays all fancy, the baby bags have gotten even fancier and what do you know, "where going out with a bang".  I now carry a large leather bag  that fits everything on line #2 so I'm looking for something as such.  Here are a few items that  I will narrow down.  Whether it's a boy or a girl, it really doesn't matter the color of the bag. My favorite ones are the 2 links writtent out below on the right hand sideTimi and Leslie.

Petunia Pickle Bottom Fav #3

Option #4Timi and Leslie are 1st choice
timi & leslie - Marie Antoinette Silver

timi & leslie - Charlie Black

Monday, January 14, 2013

Breakfast at Gabrielle's

Crock Pot Roast W/ Cabbage and Cream Corn Corn Bread

1 Pack of McCormicks Pot Roast
2-3 Red Potatoes, cut into halves
1/2 Bag of Carrots, Celery, Onions
1-2 Tea Spoons of Red Cooking Wine
1 Pot Roast

Cabbage                                                                  Cream Corn Cornbread

1 Teaspoon of minced Garlic                                     1 Can of Creamed Corn
1 Chicken bouillon cube                                             Jiffy Corn Bread
Paprika, Pepper, Salt

Crock Pot before church on low, around 7 hours.  Take notes Gabbi, cook book on the way dear!

15 Weeks and 2 Years Old.

Bundle of Boy
Me and My Girl

Well, if you know me very well, I'm a huge stickler when it comes to being prepared.  When I was pregnant with Gabrielle, I brought and brought and brought some more to prevent the over whelmed feeling that I knew was sure to come. This time, it's hard to determine what I will need because we wont find out until May, so I can't start early. Last go around, I brought a noat load of clothes before she was born.  This time, I will do something different.  WIPES, yes you heard me, wipes.  Every food shop,which for us is about 3-4 times a month..... I will get wipes. The pack I just brought expires 2015 and contains 420 wipes!!!  It can go in one week with two booties around.  Well same ole, same ole around the belly area.  Topic this weekend for us was names.  Tons are brewing, nothing is sticking. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

15 Weeks Preggo
Well, here's to another week.  I'm totally convinced that this pregnancy is much different from my other. Nausea rears it's ugly head whenever it wants too and it leaves me feeling a hot mess.  I cant think about doing anything if I have not eaten yet.  I can connect the dots on my face, I think I mentioned that earlier.  Shanice wasted no time in church today letting me know that she never noticed me break out like this before. All I can say is that I hope this is a bundle of boy.  I can feel every tug and pull that my pelvis is making to continue stretching  my body back in it's all too familiar position.  OH, I almost forgot to mention that I gained 8 pounds, whoo hooooo, if you know my sister and I, you know we love to put on weight.  I went from 124 to 132 and I love it.  The haters at my job are hoping it sticks on this time, they cant stand me being skinny as a twig.  A very welcoming sign for me this past week has been flutters.  I felt one last Tuesday and it was a sure thing at my desk.  I wasn't sure if anyone would believe me or not, but after one or two more, I had to ask the doc.  "Second child and skinny as you are, It's very likely", love having the docs right next door.     

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Turning down a scan!

I never say no to a scan, BUT under these conditions that my sonographer would be able to see the sex right now, I had to say NO WAY.  My co-workers were egging me on to get a scan so they could know, but I just can't take the risk.  My mind will ONLY wrap around the fact that she will know when Feb. 6th gets here.  I think it being an actual appointment and her being more serious at that time, along with Roger will make it better for me.  She's only here 2-3 times a week, if that, so I don't see her that often.  OMG, I can only imagine how I will be at the Reveal party.  Just her telling me that she could tell me right now had me emotional, I was almost in tears.  Some people pay to go to speacialist to find out early around this time, so it's indeed possible.  Man oh man, that was a hard decision just 10 minutes ago.

My OBGYN patients I can now call friends

I work for the Outreach laboratory at Rex hospital.  Outreach meaning we go to the patients outside the hospital, or they come to us.  The department and its workers don't necessarily go from room to room drawing blood; those would be our in-house phlebomtomist.  So, I've had the luxary of being placed not only in the lab, but at an OBGYN next door to the birthing center at Rex for 2 years now.  Our lab is open 7-7 and 7 days a week.  I luckily only work the OBGYN hours 8-5.  I came in part-time, quickly moved to full-time and was then placed in the office. 

It's so awesome how God works, I remeber posting on Garbrielle's blog ( that I would love to work at Rex myself oneday.  During my 7 month of pregnancy with Gabster, I took a 2 month phlebotomy program, Wake Tech was too long and time was not on myside.  I finshed the course, passed the certification, had Gabrielle in September and worked at Rex in December all of 2010 with an introduction as Rogers wife as my interview.  I remeber posting during my pregnancy that I was setting things up in motion for myself to work at Rex.  I took the course, decided on a doctors office for Gabi and myself and Roger at Rex; all because I knew that I would be a Rex employee.  Two years later, I'm now telling people that I plan to retire here.  Walking through the halls with these doctors and nurses is what pursed me to start my nursing degree and take over Rex Emergency room ONE DAY. 

Anywho, working at the pratice has been fun.  Drawing blood from my patients who can barley hold their heads up at 8 weeks, to them coming back over 9 months later for a post-partum visit with their newborn. We always converstate about Gabi and have the longest conversations ever.  Sharing stories, potty training methods, moving into a big girl bed, how did you do this or how did you do that fills my office.  Now that I'm pregnant, it seems as though a whole new friendship has started with the patients that come on a regular basis.  Hugs, kisses, belly rubs, GIFTS.  Okay can we stop to talk about gifts please...........  Im only 14 weeks pregnant and have already received 4 gifts, gender neutral of course.  It's amazing how much they are excited for me.  Most of them are in shock because I could've had tattooed NO KIDS UNTIL GABSTER IS FIVE across my forehead; I mean it's all I ever talked about.  These moms are VETS here, so now I'm in their club for the more than one kid circle, I'm talking plural, more than one here people.....................  The docs are amazing here too.  I have my fingers crossed for 2 to deliver the baby but either one is fine at the end of the day.  I might get the hook up for the best post-partum room as well, connections people, connection.  Stay tuned.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Belly at 13 Weeks

Breakfast at Gabrielle's

Skinny Meatball Subs

Chop Meat
Yellow, Green, Red, Orange Peppers, cut into cubs
2 Pinches of Minced Garlic
Season to Taste
Squeeze of Ketchup
Few Drops of Bread Crumbs
 Provolone Cheese, Mozzarella Cheese
 Hoagie Bread and a Hungry Family!

Chop Meat Mixture
Meat Balls

Take Notes Gabi! Your cook book is on the way dear!

Baby Shower Ideas!

Well, in exactly four more weeks, Roger and I have an appointment for the anatomy scan during my lunch break (thank God I don't have to clock out, sorry Rog).  I've forewarned my co-workers not to be at the door listening for any information that I myself wont even know.  Either sonographer will put the info in different envelopes, one for me and the other for the cake baker, (fingers crossed for blue icing please).  Today was the beginning of school for Spring semester and I've been waiting on the schedules to see when the last class assignment is due in May.  May we intended for the baby shower to be that month and it looks like we may have a set date.  It seems so far away, but it gives me time to think about decor, food (thanks for letting me host at  your pad Shawn) etc.  We at first opted to have it at a center, but I cant' really personalize it like I want to.  I'm in the process of looking for a great price on boxes of pink and blue leis that the guest will wear to choose the sex of the baby that they think it is, just for fun.

Here are some ideas I have for the shower.  Okay, this is all I can post for now, my meatballs are burning!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Comparing Bellies

Well everyone, it seems as though the second time around, everything gets bigger and better.  With Gabrielle, it took me literally months to start showing.  With this pregnancy, I woke up at 12 weeks and bam there it was. On Gabrielle's blog, ( there are tons of pics when I was pregnant with her.  I read some of the old post and realized just how different this pregnancy is going.  I have an army of bumps on my forehead and still nauseous til this very day, on an empty stomach that is.  At work I have to snack at least 3 times in the morning, then lunch, then of course as soon as I get home I eat, while I'm cooking diner.  It's pretty fun nowadays at work with my soon to be mommy patients who come to my office for their blood work.  They notice the bump protruding from my scrubs and 101 questions began. 

8 Weeks
12 Weeks

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Breakfast at Gabrielle's


  1. 2 Loafs of stale Sara Lee Cinnamon Raisin Bread
  2. 3-4 Eggs
  3. 1 Cup Whole Milk
  4. 2 Tea Spoons of Brown Sugar
  5. 1/2 Cup Sweetened Condensed Milk
Mix first 5 ingredients together and pour over 2 day old staled bread.  Gently mix, stir and press down with spatula.  Pour remaining condensed milk over bread pudding, Bake 30-40 minutes on 350.  I know my pic has two cans of condensed milk, but hubby likes this milk with his frosted flakes.  Can you say DENTIST!

Serve with vanilla ice cream!
Take notes Gabster, your cook book is on the way dear!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rolling with 2 Kids

I never thought I'd be pushing around a double stroller like my sister did with the twins.  After having a conversation with another lovely mom of a newborn and toddler, it was brought to my attention that strollers nowadays have grown quite drastically.  After some research, I became quite optimistic about this whole double stroller thing, they look pretty good.  After seeing the Sit and Stand stroller, I was super excited that me and Gabi might be rolling pretty lovely this summer!